Jim Rogers “regret not buying bitcoin… stock bond market bubble”

Jim Rogers President Rogers Holdings [사진 제공 : 연합뉴스]

picture explanationJim Rogers President Rogers Holdings [사진 제공 : 연합뉴스]

Legendary investor Jim Rogers, president of Rogers Holdings, said he regrets not buying Bitcoin years ago.

According to US Business Insider on the 2nd (local time), Rogers said in an interview with Real Vision, “It would have been nice to buy bitcoin a few years ago.” Is still the same,” he stressed.

Earlier, Rogers predicted on his personal blog in 2017 that “Bitcoin is in a bubble, and this bubble will continue for quite some time.”

In this interview, he pointed out, “If bitcoin is going to become a usable currency beyond investment assets, the government can make bitcoin illegal.”

“Because the government doesn’t want to lose its monopoly and control over the issuance of money,” said Rogers. “No government would say,’Here’s the US dollar and bitcoin is in the computer, but if you want, you can use bitcoin’.” Said.

He also saw bubbles in the bond and stock markets.

“In the history of the world, bonds have never been so expensive,” said Rogers.

Regarding the stock market, he warned that “a lot of money flows in and a bubble is forming.”

Following this, Rogers expected gold and silver prices to rise further.

“Whenever trust in the government and fiat money fell, people bought gold and silver,” he said. “In the current situation, I want to buy more gold and silver.”

[매경닷컴 배윤경 기자 [email protected]]
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