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[인사이트] Reporter Ki-soo Lim = There is a boom in companies serving developers. Following the game industry, the real estate industry is also making moves such as raising the initial salary for the development profession and paying a ‘turnover bonus’.
In particular, companies that offer a bonus worth ‘100 million won’ in commemoration of joining the company when they move out of work are attracting attention.
On the 26th, Jikbang, a real estate information platform, announced that it will reorganize the wage system to secure excellent talent.
Jikbang CEO Ahn Seong-woo announced that he had an in-house town hall meeting online at 10 am on the day and set the starting salary for developers to be hired at 60 million won.
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Representative Ahn said that he would also raise the annual salaries of the employees in his office. He said that he would increase the annual salary by 20 million won for development workers and 10 million won for non-development workers.
In addition, Jikbang also announced that it will provide a signing bonus (a special bonus given separately in addition to the annual salary) for a year’s worth of existing workplaces up to 100 million won to experienced developers.
Jikbang said, “We decided to start the developer as the highest level in the IT industry with the goal of becoming a digital first.”
It seems that the reason Jikbang raised the salaries of developers like this was to attract developers and prevent manpower leaks.
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In the recent recruitment market, competition among companies to secure talents in the information technology (IT) field is intensifying.
In fact, the day before, Krafton, one of the’Big 4’game companies, announced that it would raise the starting salary to 60 million won and raise the annual salaries of incumbent developers by 2000.
Nexon and Netmarble also announced an increase of 50 million won for developers and 8 million won for employees.
This seems to be to prevent the outflow of talents to the people of Naver, Kakao, Line, Coupang, and Delivery, which are known for their good treatment of developers.
Naver and Kakao also increased their salary and distributed shares of the company to employees. Last month, Coupang paid a maximum annual salary of 60 million won to new developers and offered a turnover bonus of 50 million won for hiring people with experience in development for more than four years.