Ji-Soo Ji-soo, Divorce Eli and Eli for the first time in 6 years → Revealing the recent shock “1 year since I became a bad credit

Eli's divorce Lee Ji-soo shock recent photo = Fuhaha TV capture
Eli’s divorce Lee Ji-soo shock recent photo = Fuhaha TV capture

Racing model Ji-soo Ji-soo and singer Eli announced the news of the divorce after six years.

On the 2nd, Ji Ji-soo appeared on Jung Ho-geun’s YouTube channel’Late-Night Shindang’, and on the same day, a video titled’*Shock ※’

On this day, while watching Ji Ji-soo’s key, Jung Ho-geun said, “Men are accidents. There is no such thing as leaning against men or creating shade. In the end, I have to end with such a conclusion that I have to solve everything, or I have to break up with a very, very bad situation.

Ji-Soo Ji-soo said, “Because I’m a woman, I wanted to be loved and had a strong desire to lean on it. When I made a boyfriend and when I was married, I had to play the role of a leader or a family head. That’s how it was maintained.”

He added, “As time goes by, a small breeze has gone to the point where I want the other person not to cheat because I can make money and I can pay for the date.”

Also mentioned after the divorce. Ji-soo Ji-soo is currently living with her son and said, “It is difficult because of the financial problems. In December 2019, he became a bad credit. It is a program conducted in the country and has been working to pay off debts for 10 years.”

He said, “I have a burden on the loan and I live with my son in a wallet house. I couldn’t work for about a year. It is also not a situation where you can work part-time. I did a side job of packing masks, but the competition is fierce.”

In addition, he confessed, “I had no one to take care of my food in the situation of raising my son alone…” and “I had only thought of having to die.”

Meanwhile, Eli, from U-Kiss, announced through her SNS in November last year that she and Ji-Soo Ji-soo, who is 11 years old, have been married for six years. He explained that his son would stay with Ji-soo Ji-soo and said he would support him. In addition, all photos related to Jiyeon-soo have been deleted from SNS, and Ji-soo has also changed her account to private.

Reporter Namkyung Lee, Ministry of Population and Culture at MBN Star [email protected]
