Jeonnam Internet Newspaper

Steel offer: OCN ‘Marvelous rumors[전남인터넷신문]OCN ‘Marvelous rumorsCounters begins the long-awaited final round with Choi Kwang-il, who became a demon..

OCN First since opening 10% Breaking the barriers and writing a new rating history OCN Saturday and Sunday original Marvelous rumors‘(Director Yu Sun-dong/Screenplay Kim Sae-bom/Production Studio Dragon, Neo Entertainment) Side 14Prior to the broadcast 17Work(Work), Byungkyu Cho(Rumor station)And Choi Kwang-il(Shin Myung-hui Station)of Replace thin ice eyesBy revealing the stills, it foretells the last battle between good and evil that makes it impossible to take our eyes off of it..

In the last broadcast, Shin Myung-hui(Choi Kwang-il)Kim Young-nim(Lee Kyung Kim) Cho Tae-shin is found to have been the murderer(Lee Do-yeop)While trying to make an extreme choice with the threat of a person, the unconscious shock unfolded, creating goosebumps.. Ji Chung Shin(Lee Hong-nae)The shocking act of committing suicide before the summons of this demon shocked the home theater and made me more curious about the next episode..

In the stills disclosed in this regard, Cho Byeong-gyu and Choi Kwang-il face each other sharply and are engaged in a tight nerve war.. A cool battle looms as if to tighten the breath of the viewer.. While Cho Byeong-gyu casts an ice-like look, Choi Kwang-il exudes an eerie evil energy.. Choi Kwang-il, who was previously unconscious, appears in front of Cho Byeong-gyu in a fine form, raising questions about what happened to him..

In the meantime, 14In the episode trailer, the meeting of the demon Jicheong-shin and Shin Myung-hui was drawn, which surprised viewers.. In particular, Shin Myung-hui predicted an unusual energy with the ability to exert mental power like Jicheong-shin.. What kind of turmoil will be caused by the sharp confrontation between Counters, led by Cho Byeong-gyu, and Choi Kwang-il?, Curiosity is amplified about how their fate will be struck in the future..

OCN ‘Marvelous rumorsCrewCounters and Choi Kwang-il transformed into a demon, a fierce, irreversible war unfolds.After luck today(17Work) To be broadcast 14In the episode, an unpredictable final round will begin until the end, and a tremendous reversal will be poured out.He said.

Meanwhile OCN Saturday and Sunday original Marvelous rumorssilver Demon huntercounterA refreshing, sweaty demon-breaking hero that defeats the demons on the ground by disguised as a noodle restaurant staff. ‘Marvelous rumors’14Sashimi today(17Work) night 10city 30Broadcast in minutes.
