Jeonnam begins to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm, equivalent to 8 nuclear power plants

Today’s Shinan Imja Bridge Declaration Ceremony
As a’Jeonnam type win-win job’ project
Establishment of 8.2GW complex with 48 trillion input

The project to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm in the Sinan sea area, Jeollanam-do, equivalent to the power production capacity of eight nuclear power plants, has started in earnest.

This project is attracting attention as it is promoted as a’Regional Balanced New Deal’ and the’Jeonnam-type Win-Win Job’ project, which is the first residents’ profit-type model.

Jeonnam-do held the ’48 trillion wind blows in the world’s largest offshore wind farm’ at the Imja Bridge in Sinan-gun at 2:30 pm on the 5th, announcing the start of the’Shinan 8.2GW Offshore Wind Power Complex Creation Project’. The event will be held in the following order: Kim Young-rok’s Jeonnam Governor’s’Jeonnam-style New Deal Strategy’ report, private companies’ announcement of’offshore wind power investment plan’, and the’Jeonnam-style win-win job agreement’ signed by representatives of labor, management, civil, and Jung

According to the figure, the Shinan 8.2GW offshore wind farm will be promoted in three stages on the 30km southwest coast of Imjado. The first stage will be 4.1GW from this year to 2025, the second stage will be 2.1GW in 2022-2027, and the third stage will be 2GW in 2024-2030.

Of the 48.500 billion won in expenses for the 1st to 3rd phase projects, 46 trillion won is invested by the private sector. Private power generation companies include KEPCO, SK E&S, and Hanwha E&C, and offshore wind power equipment manufacturers include Doosan Heavy Industries, CS Wind, and Samgang M&T.

Another characteristic of this project is that it is promoted as a’Jeonnam-style job’ in which labor, management, citizens, and government jointly create 120,000 direct and indirect jobs and distribute profits from power generation projects to local people. Although the specific distribution method has not been determined, the method in which local residents participate as shareholders in the power plant is a strong point.

If this project is progressed properly, in 2030, Korea will leap into the world’s top five offshore wind power. As a prerequisite, the government’s financial support and deregulation for the’transmission and distribution joint access facility’, which will bring electricity generated from the sea to land, is the first priority.

Shinan = Reporter Jung Woo-cheon [email protected]
