Jeongseon Wildfires Fighting against strong winds and steep slopes… Transition to night firefighting system

Input 2021.02.20 21:04

Following Yangyang in Gangwon on the 18th, there was a big forest fire in Jeongseon on the 20th, and the forest authorities started to extinguish it. However, it is struggling to evolve due to strong winds and steep terrain. To date, the exact cause and damage area have not been identified.

According to the forestry authorities, the forest authorities are focusing on evacuating helicopters, building a proliferation barrier, and preventing further damage due to dark days.

At around 3:50 pm on the 20th, a fire broke out at Nochusan, Gujeol-ri, Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do. /yunhap news

Earlier, at around 3:50 pm on the same day, a forest fire occurred at Nochusan, Gujeol-ri, Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun. In addition to 11 helicopters, including 3 extra-large helicopters and 5 large helicopters by the Forest Service, 212 people including air extinguishers, special extinguishers, public officials, firefighters, and police, and 16 equipment such as extinguishing vehicles were put in to extinguish forest fires.

However, the fire site was a steep slope where it was almost impossible to put manpower into it, and it was difficult to extinguish due to a strong wind of 6.2 meters per second. The forest authorities have transformed into a night-time firefighting system by creating a stop line with ground personnel. The Forest Service has put in a large number of experts in ground firefighting, such as special fighters and aerial fighters.

In addition, two drones were also urgently deployed to accurately grasp the situation of night forest fires and strategically support ground fires. Concerned that wildfires will spread at night, the fire department and police are protecting the neighborhood of private homes.
