Jeong Se-gyun and Lee Jae-myeong attack Hong Nam-gi, Lee Nak-yeon defends…

Nak-yeon Lee, Representative of the Democratic Party, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, and Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong. (From left) News 1, Newsis, Yonhap News

In the aftermath of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), support measures such as a profit-sharing system, a loss compensation system, and a national disaster subsidy come out one after another. Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun and Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong are raising the level of pressure toward Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs and Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

Sye-gyun Jeong and Jae-myeong Lee directly attack the equipment

Analysts say that the reason the three passport presidential candidates show a subtle difference in their positions against the Ministry of Justice is because they have different policies to support Corona 19, like their respective’brands’. It is inevitable that Prime Minister Chung’s active’loss compensation system’ and’universal support for disaster subsidies’ policies, which are similar to the Governor’s brand, must be actively supported by finances. However, there is a difference in that the’profit sharing system’ proposed by Lee is a content that aims to coexist with the private sector without spending enormous finances right away.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who is active in the introduction of a’loss compensation system’ for self-employed people, has recently expressed anger directly to the passive materials department. It started to change the image from’Mr. Smile’ to’Mr. On the 20th, Prime Minister Chung heard the news that Kim Yong-beom, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, expressed discomfort in the loss compensation system that compensates for the losses of self-employed people.Is this country the country of the Ministry of Equipment?“I was angry. The next day, at a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters, the Ministry of Information and Communication was instructed to review the legalization of the loss compensation system.

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong is raising the level of pressure day after day toward the Ministry of Equipment, which has expressed difficulty in the’universal payment of disaster support funds’, which is his brand policy. It is a strategy that we will not miss the reflection effect through ‘saying the cider’. Governor Lee said on Facebook on the 23rd, “while shouting financial soundness, Is it good to write less unconditionally?”And criticized the logic of the department. He wrote, “It’s a pity that the world is pushing for an expanded fiscal policy, and it is highly opposing support for consumption and household income, while raising the national debt to protect fiscal soundness.” On the 24th, referring to the issue of the budget burden on the metropolitan buses, which is in conflict with the Ministry of Equipment, “The monopoly of the budget authority of the Ministry of Equipment is a problem, so even the Prime Minister is on the verge of rebuking’Is this country?’ Criticized.

“Is it clear only if I talk hard?”… Lee Nak-yeon under pressure to bypass

Lee Nak-yeon (right), the representative of the Democratic Party, is speaking at a video conference for win-win cooperation with platform companies held at the National Assembly on the 22nd. Reporter Oh Dae-geun

On the other hand, Lee is showing a strategy of indirectly pressing Deputy Prime Minister Hong, who assisted him as head of the State Affairs Coordination Office when he was prime minister, without directly attacking. Democratic Party CEO Lee Nak-yeon, who proposed the benefit-sharing system, appeared in the KBS late-night discussion on the 23rd, “Condemning the kiosk at the Ministry of Equipment does not solve anything.He said, “It’s all right to talk between the political parties. Is it reasonable to criticize in front of the media?” They issued a’checklist’ to Prime Minister Chung and Governor Lee to refrain from public criticism of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. The benefit-sharing system is a policy to coexist through the voluntary participation of the private sector, such as companies that made a return on Corona 19.

A key party official explained the background to the Hankook Ilbo and talked about the background, saying, “I think that talking strongly to the outside while making political calculations will increase the anxiety of the people in the corona19 phase.” He said he would not expose disagreements between the party and the party to the outside. On the 23rd, CEO Lee quietly pressed the Ministry of Finance, saying, “To recover from wounds and leap forward into the future, an active role of finance is important.” On the 22nd, related ministries such as the Ministry of Small and Medium Venture Business and the Ministry of Equipment were summoned to come up with an idea for a cooperative benefit sharing system. All were private seats.

Jo So-jin reporter

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