Jeonbuk Director Kim Sang-sik, who saw Suwon fans, “I’m not an ignorant person”

[스포츠니어스|수원=조성룡 기자] Jeonbuk Hyundai Director Kim Sang-sik talked about the galgae.

In the Hanawon Q K League 1 2021 Suwon Samsung and Jeonbuk Hyundai game held at Suwon World Cup Stadium on the 3rd, the away team Jeonbuk defeated Suwon 3-1, which was only a redress goal by Ki-hoon Ki-hoon, thanks to the goals of Bokyeong Choi, Ilyuchenko, and Barowoo. You have succeeded in acquiring points. With this victory, Jeonbuk maintained the No. 1 position in the K-League.

Due to the sensitive theme of recruiting Baek Seung-ho, the expedition to Jeollabuk-do seemed not easy. Before the game, Jeonbuk coach Kim Sang-sik also vowed, “I heard it was a war without guns,” and “I will fight so that it is raining and dusty”. However, Jeonbuk scored three goals more easily than expected and won. The following is the full text of Jeonbuk coach Kim Sang-sik’s post-game press conference.

Game impressions
Before the game, I asked the players to run to dust even though it was raining. The request was fulfilled. I could see dust in my eyes, but I don’t know what others were like. I am grateful to the players who played so much more than the dust in this game, and I think that I did my best even though my opponent Suwon also lost 1-3.

Which player ran the dirtiest?
Everyone seems to have worked hard. We always talk, but in the first half, we have no choice but to struggle. It is not easy to break through because more than half of the teams use the back five. Instead, if the players are patient and not in a hurry, there will be a chance in the second half. I think that part worked.

It seems that there was also the hang of Suwon fans, and there was also an external influence.
When meeting with the players before leaving, “If I go to Suwon World Cup Stadium, there will be something else outside of the game. I hope the players do their best without being shaken.” The players are experienced and strong in big games. There was a part outside of Gyeonggi-do this time, but it seems to have overcome well. Thanks to the players.

There were a lot of hangings. I saw a lot. Still, I am not a person with knowledge. The thing that wasn’t smooth during the recruitment process is that he was inexperienced in driving because he was a beginner coach. Thank you for your generous understanding.

As a result, Baek Seung-ho joined Jeonbuk. What are your plans for the future?
In the process of recruiting Baek Seung-ho, it wasn’t smooth, but he brought it to the K-League. I think it is good for a member of the K-League that a competent player playing in Europe can play in the K-League. As if Lee Chung-yong or Ki Sung-yong came and showed confidence, they could contribute to the development of the K-League. I hope that it will be an environment where Son Heung-min can also return to the K-League in about 10 years later and finish it.

Baek Seung-ho must have had a hard time. I am training hard at the Jeonbuk Club House. I’m in good shape, but my muscles aren’t quite right to start playing. I want to make it so that I can communicate well and show a good image.

It is pointed out that there is a continuing noise in the return of foreign players to Korea.
It is difficult to say everything here. I am not the party. I can’t explain everything. But when I looked at about a month and a half to two months, there were truths and misunderstandings. Since Seung-ho Baek is a Jeonbuk player, if there is anything to help, I will help enough to resolve the misunderstanding and return to the K-League.

Ilyuchenko, who went into the substitution, is four consecutive goals. Since there are a lot of games, are you adjusting your condition?
Yes. Ilyuchenko also did not do well in normal training for two weeks. So I sent it out in the second half, and thank you for showing me a good look. Next, I will think about whether to export as a starter or replace it in Pohang. It’s an operation so I’ll keep it a secret. I will secretly prepare for the Pohang War.

What is needed for Jeonbuk to become a famous family?
There will be many. You have to lift more trophies and build a good system. You need to be more advanced. I do not know. It was less than 6 months from the standpoint of a beginner coach. My job is also busy, so I can’t care. In the future, I will continue to faithfully serve as a stepping stone for Jeonbuk to become a global team with advisor Park Ji-sung. From the manager’s point of view, the first thing to do is to give more trophies.

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