Jeon Hyosung, wearing Hanbok, appeared in Times Square in the US “Our History and Culture”-Star News

/Photo courtesy = JHS Entertainment

Singer and actor Jeon Hyo-sung introduced Hanbok in the United States on the third day.

According to the agency JHS Entertainment on the 1st, Jeon Hyosung recently appeared on the New York Times Square billboard. In the billboard, Hyosung Jeon showed off her elegant and bright visuals as she was dressed in hanbok with a bright smile.

In particular, the advertisement emphasized that Hanbok is Korean culture with the title of’Traditional Korean Clothes’.

Hyosung Jeon posted the advertisement on his social media on this day and said, “It is an honor to be able to participate in a meaningful project that was conducted to inform the world about our history and culture, Hanbok. Thank you for now, day by day, and countless times of that day. I will remember the sacrifice without forgetting.”

In commemoration of the 102nd anniversary of the Three Days, this advertisement added meaning to Korean fashion brand Rakai Korea with Jeon Hyosung. Rakai Korea is attracting attention with its patriotic actions, such as launching products that stand out from the traditional beauty of Korea and carrying out various projects to inform historical facts.

It is very unusual to have an image related to the history of a specific country on Times Square in Manhattan, New York, which has a floating population of 400,000 per day and 50 million per year, and is attracting attention from overseas media as well.

Jeon Hyosung debuted as the girl group Secret in 2009. Since then, Hyosung Jeon, who has communicated with the public through various broadcasting and performance activities, is loved as a Wannabe star who has both loveliness and sexyness.

Hyosung Jeon, who started acting in earnest with the OCN drama’Cheoyong’ in 2013, is expanding his acting spectrum through various works such as’Wanted’,’Introverted Boss’,’Green in My Heart’, and’Memorist’. .

Hyosung Jeon is the DJ of MBC FM4U (91.9MHz)’Dreaming Radio’ and has been actively communicating with listeners from 8pm every day.
