Jenny-G-Dragon dating rumors YG “It’s difficult to confirm because it’s private” (official)

Jenny G-Dragon
While Black Pink Jenny and G-Dragon were surrounded by dating rumors, YG made a statement./Asia Today DB

While Black Pink Jenny and G-Dragon are surrounded by dating rumors, YG’s position has been announced.

On the 24th, YG Entertainment, their agency, said, “It is difficult for the company to confirm the artist’s personal life. I ask for your patience.”

Earlier this morning, Dispatch reported that “Jenny and G-Dragon have developed into lovers between seniors and juniors at the agency,” and that they are dating for the first year.

Reportedly, most of the two enjoyed a day at G-Dragon’s luxury villa in Hannam-dong. Also, Jenny went to G-Dragon’s house after digesting the schedule during the Black Pink activity.

Jenny appeared as the female protagonist of G-Dragon’s solo album “One of a Kind,” “That XX,” and featured in G-Dragon’s 2nd regular album title song “Black” the following year. He continued his relationship with G-Dragon.

Meanwhile, G-Dragon debuted as the group Big Bang in 2006 and received a lot of love at home and abroad, and Jenny made her official debut as Black Pink in 2016.

Ⓒ”Young Power, Mobile Number One Asia Today”

