Jeju United, Gwangju midfielder summer recruitment

Jeju United signed Gwangju FC midfielder Summer.

Summer is the’One Clubman’ who has been active in Gwangju from 2013 to last year, excluding the period of military service (Sangju Executive Director 2017-2018). Last year, he built the gold medal in 200 games in the K-League and has a wealth of experience with 11 goals and 13 assists in 219 games in the professional career. In particular, he was recognized for leadership by wearing the captain’s armband of Gwangju last year and advancing to Final A and leading the best team performance (6th place) ever.

The advantage of summer that shines the most on the ground is the active amount of activity. Summer was the third most played player in the K-League 1 last season after Son Joon-ho (former Jeonbuk Hyundai) and Han Seok-jong (Suwon Samsung). In summer, I went on an average of 10,783m per game. It is expected that it will quickly melt into Jeju, which dominates the game based on the rapid change in karate and the amount of activity.

He has a strong relationship with director Nam Ki-il. In the summer, coach Nam Ki-il played a big role as a major midfielder in the team from his time as coach and manager in Gwangju in 2013 until he became coach in Gwangju in 2016. Director Nam Ki-il is able to complete a powerful mid-won union with Lee Chang-min, Kim Young-wook, and Lee Chan-dong, as a summer addition to the’trustworthy’ summer with outstanding experience and skills.

“(Leving Gwangju) was a difficult decision,” said Summer, who said, “I’m happy to start a new challenge with Jeju. There are many good players in Jeju. They quickly melt into the team and become a player who meets many expectations. I want to. As much as the first transfer, with a newcomer-like spirit, with tireless passion, it will still be a hot summer in Jeju.”

Meanwhile, goalkeeper Yoon Bo-sang, who wore a Jeju uniform last year, moves to Gwangju. Yoon Bo-sang, who only played in the K-League 2 match last season in Jeju, heads to Gwangju for a new challenge.
