Je-dong Kim, Justice Party Severe Accident Corporate Punishment Act In Search of Fasting Agricultural Growth

Broadcaster Kim Je-dong visited the fasting agricultural growth in front of the National Assembly on the 6th to urge the enactment of the severe disaster corporate punishment law, and is talking with the late PD Lee Han-bit PD's father Yong-gwan Lee and the late Kim Yong-gyun's mother, Kim Mi-sook, chairman of the Kim Yong-gyun Foundation.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Broadcaster Kim Je-dong visited the fasting agricultural growth in front of the National Assembly on the 6th to urge the enactment of the severe disaster corporate punishment law, and is talking with the late PD Lee Han-bit PD’s father Yong-gwan Lee and the late Kim Yong-gyun’s mother, Kim Mi-sook, chairman of the Kim Yong-gyun Foundation. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Broadcaster Kim Je-dong, 46, visited the fasting agricultural growth on the 6th, urging the Justice Party to enact a severe disaster corporate punishment law (Severe Disaster Law) in front of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul.

In agricultural growth, Mr. Kim had a conversation with the late PD Lee Han-bit, with the father Lee Yong-gwan and the late Kim Yong-gyun’s mother, Kim Mi-sook, chairman of the Kim Yong-gyun Foundation.

Meanwhile, on that day, the Justice Party held a press conference in front of the main building of the National Assembly and strongly opposed the results of the review of the Standing Committee of the Severe Accident Business Punishment Act, which had retreated from the original plan. In particular, he opposes the probation provisions for workplaces with fewer than 50 employees, and urged the establishment of the original enactment.

Justice Party lawmaker Shim Sang-jeong and broadcaster Kim Je-dong are greeting in front of the National Assembly's main office in front of the fasting agricultural growth calling for the enactment of the severe disaster corporate punishment law.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Justice Party lawmaker Shim Sang-jeong and broadcaster Kim Je-dong are greeting in front of the National Assembly’s main office in front of the fasting agricultural growth calling for the enactment of the severe disaster corporate punishment law. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Kang Eun-mi, president of the Justice Party, said, “The lives of the people should not be differentiated. The Justice Party has consistently insisted that it is absolutely impossible to suspend the application of workplaces with fewer than 50 employees.” Kang Won-nae, who initiated the Justice Party’s proposal, said, “We will withhold the tragedy of industrial accidents with the lives of 8,000 people with a four-year grace and 10,000 people with a five-year grace.” Emphasized. “If the punishment level is lowered, the effect of preventing major disasters decreases.” “The lower limit, which stipulated the minimum punishment for corporations, has been removed. Even if it raises the upper limit, it is only operating expenses for companies that generate hundreds of billions of dollars in construction or trillions of won in sales.”

The day before, the so-called members agreed to a punishment rule for employers and managers in the event of a fatal accident in a major disaster as “a sentence of imprisonment for at least 1 year or a fine of not more than 1 billion won,” which is lower than the government draft. Removed the lower fine. Also, a clause that allowed corporations to increase fines in the range of 10% of the previous year’s sales were also deleted if they intentionally acknowledged their negligence to prevent risk.

The first subcommittee of the National Assembly Judiciary Committee is scheduled to resume discussions from 10 am on the same day, and plans to resolve the bill as much as possible. At the meeting on this day, discussions will be made on whether to apply multi-use facilities and the provisions of the postponement provisions according to the scale and the provisions of causal relationship estimation. Upon completion of the examination, the bill will be passed through the resolution of the judiciary committee’s plenary meeting, and will be admitted to the final plenary session of the extraordinary National Assembly on December 8.

Broadcaster Kim Je-dong visited the fasting agricultural growth in front of the National Assembly's main office on the 6th to urge the enactment of the severe disaster corporate punishment law, and greet Lee Han-bit PD's father, Yong-gwan Lee and the late Kim Yong-gyun's mother, Kim Mi-sook, chairman of the Kim Yong-gyun Foundation.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Broadcaster Kim Je-dong visited the fasting agricultural growth in front of the National Assembly’s main office on the 6th to urge the enactment of the severe disaster corporate punishment law, and greet Lee Han-bit PD’s father, Yong-gwan Lee and the late Kim Yong-gyun’s mother, Kim Mi-sook, chairman of the Kim Yong-gyun Foundation. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]
