Japan crosses anticipation and opposition to President Moon’s remarks and comfort women ruling

The Peace Girl Statue in Berlin, Germany

picture explanationThe Peace Girl Statue in Berlin, Germany

The Japanese side reacted mixed with anticipation and opposition over the remarks of President Moon Jae-in on the decision and the decision to compensate the victims of comfort women in the Japanese military.

The gaze that pays attention to the possibility that the Korean government will come up with a solution to the comfort women problem and Japan’s response to the comfort women problem are intersected.

Regarding President Moon’s remarks at a New Year press conference that the Japanese government ordered the Japanese government to compensate victims of Japanese military comfort women, “it is a bit embarrassing,” said the Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei), I can see it,” said an editorial on the 24th.

The newspaper also noted that President Moon acknowledged that the 2015 Japanese military comfort women agreement was an “official agreement between the two governments,” and expressed his intention that it was “not desirable” to implement the conscription judgment by forcibly selling Japanese corporate assets. .

Nikkei interpreted that the series of remarks was one step further from the existing position that’the government is not involved,’ and commented, “If it shows a desire to restore relations, it is desirable.”

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The newspaper predicts that the Japanese government’s assets in South Korea are protected under the empty agreement on diplomatic relations, but “there are assets that may be subject to seizure,” and that, if enforced, Korea-Japan relations face a crisis. did.

Nikkei discussed the growing need for Korea-Japan cooperation due to changes in the security environment, and President Moon suggested that it is “time to show willingness through action and make efforts to resolve the Japanese government through diplomacy.”

The Yomiuri Shimbun wrote an editorial saying that the Japanese side’s efforts to resolve the issue must be persistently publicized so that “misunderstandings over the comfort women issue” do not spread to the international community.

In this regard, the newspaper made it clear that the issue of claims between South Korea and Japan was completely and finally resolved with the Japan-Korea Claims Agreement in 1965, and that Japan “would deeply hurt the honor and dignity of many women” when the comfort women agreed in 2015. At the time of Shinjo, the Japanese Prime Minister insisted that he sincerely apologized and expressed his will of reflection.

Yomiuri said, “It is regrettable that Japan’s response is not well known to the international community.”

Regarding President Moon’s remarks at a press conference, he commented, “It is reasonable if it is to change the posture, but another solution (solution) must be presented early.”

The international publicity ordered by Yomiuri seems to be focusing on obscuring Japan’s responsibility.

For example, at the time of the 2015 comfort women agreement, Fumio Kishida, then Japanese Foreign Minister, at a joint press conference between Japan and Korea, said, “As Prime Minister Abe, as the Prime Minister of Japan, once again suffered a lot of pain as a comfort woman, it was difficult to heal both mentally and physically. “I express my apology and reflection from my heart to all those who have been hurt.”

However, it was not possible to see Prime Minister Abe expressing his will of apology and reflection in his own mouth at the public meeting thereafter, and there was also a controversy over’representative apology’.

Yomiuri’s assertion that Prime Minister Abe has expressed his intention to apologize and repent “sincerely” seems to be an interpretation that is far from the view of the Japanese military comfort women victims.

The newspaper argued in an editorial on the day that criticism of the Japanese military forcibly arresting the victims of comfort women poured out in the 1990s, but “after that time, it was revealed that the testimony was false and no data to support the forced arrest was found.”


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