Janssen, who comes to Korea in the second quarter of next year, only needs one shot, unlike other vaccines

An illustration of a global pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson-Jansen's COVID-19 vaccine. [로이터]

An illustration of a global pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson-Jansen’s COVID-19 vaccine. [로이터]

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun announced on the 24th that it has signed a contract with Pfizer for 10 million and Janssen (a Johnson & Johnson affiliated pharmaceutical company) for 6 million.

The government announced on the 8th that it would sign contracts for 10 million Pfizer and 4 million Janssen, but Janssen’s final contract increased by 2 million.
Prime Minister Chung said at the Corona 19 Central Disaster Countermeasure Headquarters meeting that day, “Jansen signed a contract for 6 million people, which is more than the originally planned amount of 2 million people,” and said, “We will start vaccination from the second quarter of next year.”

Corona vaccine security in major countries.  Graphic = Reporter Cha.junhong@joongang.co.kr

Corona vaccine security in major countries. Graphic = Reporter [email protected]

With this, it is expected to be able to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine in February-March next year, followed by the Janssen vaccine in the second quarter.

However, Janssen is also currently undergoing phase 3 clinical trials. AstraZeneca and Pfizer started phase 3 clinical trials in July, but Janssen started in September, two months later.
Janssen is expected to be the first to approve emergency use by early next year in the United States.
In an interview with ABC Broadcasting on the 20th (local time), US Assistant Secretary of Health Brett Girore said, “Jansen will request approval for emergency use of the Corona 19 vaccine in January. In the US, Pfizer and Modena vaccinations are currently being administered.

The advantage of the Janssen vaccine is that it requires only one dose. AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Modena should be vaccinated twice per person.

Janssen announced the supply price of 10 dollars (about 11,000 won) per dose (one dose). It’s more expensive than AstraZeneca ($4), but cheaper than Pfizer ($24) and Modena ($37).
In addition, Janssen vaccine, like AstraZeneca, is a traditional method of manufacturing a virus carrier vaccine. It is also practical that it can be stored for up to 6 months at room temperature 2-8 degrees Celsius.
Accordingly, the existing drug distribution system can be utilized. Like the flu vaccine, it is expected to be available in general medical institutions.

Reporter Baek Minjeong [email protected]
