Jang Hye-young “I consume sexual violence as I like… I feel great inflammation”

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 Justice Party Rep. Jang Hye-young speaks at a general assembly meeting held in front of the stairs of the Rotender Hall of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 8th.

Justice Party Rep. Jang Hye-young speaks at a general assembly meeting held in front of the stairs of the Rotender Hall of the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 8th.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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Justice Party lawmaker Jang Hye-young voiced a voice to a civic group that accused former Justice Party leader Kim Jong-cheol of sexual harassment regardless of his will, saying, “Not helping me return to my daily life, but rather hindering me.”

On the 26th, the’Hulbindan’ accused the Seoul Yeongdeungpo Police Station to thoroughly investigate Kim, and the case was transferred to the Women and Youth Division of the Seoul Police Agency. It had nothing to do with the doctor’s doctor, the victim. This is because sexual harassment is not a crime of intimacy that the victim must report directly, nor is it a crime of infidelity that cannot be handed over to trial if the victim says he does not want punishment.

Rep. Jang, who received the news, said in a Facebook post, “I am very sorry for proceeding with the criminal charges of the perpetrator while ignoring my intentions.” “As a victim, regardless of my willingness to recover my daily life in the way I want it to be, it is very unfair to endlessly implicate me as a victim,” he said. “It is not the perpetrator who decided not to proceed with the complaint. It was a choice for “.

He also appealed, “Why am I already suffering from unfair secondary harassment? Why do I have to recall and explain the damage again due to the accusation of an unwanted third party, and bear the secondary harassment that will accompany the process?” Rep. Jang said, “The purpose of the revised sexual crime from intimacy to non-confidential crime is to respect the will of the victim and expand the rights, not to ignore the will of the victim.” “I feel very irritated with everything I consume.”

The following is the full text of Rep. Jang Hye-young’s Facebook post.

“I’m struggling… I’m forced to be another’victim'”

“To be clear. The most important thing in the process of responding to a sexual assault case is for the victim to recover their daily life. Solidarity with the victim, approaching from the victim’s point of view, and not imposing’victimity’ are abstract concepts. It’s not a very specific methodology: it’s about putting the victim’s wishes first and foremost in the way we raise the issue, solve it, and close it.

In that sense, I would like to speak to a civic group that made criminal charges against the perpetrator against my will. In light of the general principle of dealing with sexual violence that prioritizes the victim’s daily recovery, the victim was a criminal against the perpetrator, unilaterally ignoring my intentions without any communication with me, even though I clearly expressed my willingness for a community solution. We are very sorry for proceeding with the accusation. As a victim of damage, it is very unreasonable to put me in an endless incident regardless of my willingness, struggling to restore my daily life the way I want.

The decision not to proceed with the complaint through the judicial system is not for the perpetrator, but for myself. It has already been clarified that the perpetrator’s poet and public party proceedings have made it clear that what I have experienced is sexual harassment. Furthermore, the process of asking for community responsibility and further social responsibility for this is widely underway. This process alone is already causing unreasonable secondary harm that cannot be put into the mouth. Why am I already suffering from such unfair secondary harassment, through an unwanted third party’s accusation, to recall and explain the damage again, and endure the secondary harassment that will inevitably accompany the process? The actions of the civic groups are frivolous actions that hinder me rather than help me return to my daily life.

The purpose of revising sex offenses from intimacy to non-confidential is to respect the will of the victim and extend their rights, not to ignore the will of the victim. Criminal complaints are one of the ways victims find their rights. Misleading judicial treatment as if it were the victim’s duty is just another force of victimhood.

While speaking of victim-centeredness by mouth, in reality, I feel very irritated by all manner of consuming sexual assault incidents without sympathizing with the victim’s pain at all.

I feel that the fight against sexual violence is a fight against perpetrators, a fight against perpetrator-centredism, and a fight against the damn practice of consuming sexual violence as a primary source of news instead of using it as an opportunity for community reflection.

There are two reasons for writing this article. I want to return to my daily routine the way I want, without being trapped by any victimization. And I hope that the person who will speak up next time can speak more comfortably. I don’t think you want too much. I believe our society can be a better society than this.”
