Jang Hye-young “Criminal charges against Kim Jong-cheol, judges that they are not necessary for recovery”

Justice Party lawmaker Jang Hye-young is interviewing News 1 on December 29 last year. 2020.12.29/News1 © News1 Reporter Park Se-yeon

Justice Party lawmaker Jang Hye-young, who disclosed the sexual harassment facts from former CEO Kim Jong-cheol, said on the 30th, “The reason I did not file a criminal complaint against the perpetrator is because I, as the victim, decided that it was not necessary and that I was the victim in the recovery.”

In an interview at KBS 9 o’clock that afternoon, Rep. Jang answered the question that’there is some point that the Justice Party, which took the lead in the abolition of sexual crimes, has changed. This is the first media interview since the fact of the sexual harassment of former CEO Kim was revealed on the 25th.

Rep. Chang said, “The criminal prosecution procedure is a clear means that victims can choose to restore their rights and return to their daily lives in sex crimes. Nevertheless, I was able to choose a communal solution through the party. The biggest reason is because I had confidence in the Justice Party.”

“I think the party took responsibility for my choice and responded really responsibly,” he said. “The perpetrator admitted to the abuse and apologized for it, and the party took the most severe expulsion it could take. “I got off the situation”.

“Of course, when I think about my responsibilities as a public figure, I know that it is the duty to clearly prosecute the perpetrators and hold them legally responsible, and I also agree with those opinions.”

However, “On the path to recovering my own daily life, proceeding with a criminal complaint will bring me the various pains, secondary abuses and various interests that will pour out, and the procedures to clarify and explain the damage I have suffered endlessly. “I don’t want to suffer the pain that I have to go through in the trial process.”

Regarding the fact that the civic group active Bindan accused former CEO Kim of sexual harassment to the police on the 26th, “If this is done without respecting the victim’s intentions in the process of doing that, it is a sex crime that respects the victims in our society. Is it a real part of the effort to get rid of it?” he criticized again.

Rep. Jang said, “In this regard, I would like to express my regret for the behavior that clearly did not respect my intentions again,” and “respect me, I ask.”

Regarding the reason for the decision to disclose the facts of sexual harassment, “I was on the path to solving the sexual harassment problem committed by the public party representative, and the way to solve it privately was unimaginable, no matter how much I thought about it.” , I couldn’t see a way to fulfill my calling as a lawmaker while hiding myself as a victim.”

“You should pay attention to where the perpetrators fail,” he said. “Many people say that the victim is determined to be a victim, the perpetrator is only someone who does it, and some people are never like that. I have a prejudice.”

In addition, Rep. Jang announced that he will take the first steps to return to daily life starting with the temporary National Assembly in February, which will open on the 1st of next month.

He said, “It would be okay if you look at it as a kind of declaration,” he said. “I wanted to say thank you for all the worries, comforts, and support from you.”

“As our society faces the unprecedented disaster of Corona 19 (a novel coronavirus infection), there are many homework that the politics needs to solve, and there are roles that I can play in it.” I will show you.”

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