Jang Hoon’s praise “Hank Aaron was a really great hitter”

Reporter Lee Sang-cheol of Maekyung.com MK Sports
Korean-Japanese baseball critic Jang Hoon (81) mourned Hank Aaron, the’eternal homerun king’ of the major league who passed away.
Jang Hoon appeared on TBS’s’Sunday Morning’ on the 24th and praised Aaron’s great achievements.
“It was a really great hitter,” he said of Aaron. The three best right-handers in Major League history are Willie Mays, Frank Robinson, and Aaron. I hit it hard and it flew away.”

Hank Aaron became a star in the sky on the 23rd (Korean time).  Photo =ⓒAFPBBNews = News1
↑ Hank Aaron became a star in the sky on the 23rd (Korean time). Photo =ⓒAFPBBNews = News1

Aaron, who surpassed Babe Ruth’s record of 714 homers and achieved 755 homers in the major league history (second place in history), died on the 23rd at 86 years old.
In the past, discrimination against black people was even more severe. When Aaron set Ruth’s home run record in front of him, he was threatened with murder. However, he did not give in to Aaron and walked the legendary path.
Jang Hoon said, “Even though he received numerous threats, Aaron continued to hit home runs. It was a really great hitter.” [email protected][ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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