Jang Gye-hee from’Barsa Youth’ joins K3 League Pyeongtaek Citizen

Jang Gye-hee, who joined the K3 League Pyeongtaek Citizen.
Jang Gye-hee, who joined the K3 League Pyeongtaek Citizen.

[평택 시티즌 페이스북. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Jinnam Bae = Forwarder Jang Gye-hee (23), who grew up in the prestigious Spanish professional football club FC Barcelona, ​​plays in the semi-professional K3 (third division) league Pyeongtaek Citizen FC.

On the 9th, Pyeongtaek Citizen announced through the club’s official channel, “We have recruited Jang Gye-hee from Barcelona youth through a free contract.”

Pyeongtaek Citizens have been participating in the K3 League under the name of Pyeongtaek Citizen Football Team since 2017, and before last season, they changed to the current club name.

According to the club officials, Jang Gye-hee received a closed test last month and is already joining the team and preparing for a new season.

Jang Gye-hee, along with Baek Seung-ho (24, Darmstadt) and Lee Seung-woo (23, Portimonence), was a promising player who was called the “Three Musketeers of Barcelona”.

He joined the Barcelona Youth Team in 2011 when he was a freshman at Pohang Steel Middle School, a K-League Pohang Steelers under 15 (U-15) team, and raised expectations.

However, afterwards, the International Football Federation (FIFA) imposed a disciplinary action for banning activities for violating the provisions of’banning transfers of players under the age of 18′, and for a while, it was difficult to participate in the training of the Barcelona youth team as well as the official game.

Jang Gye-hee eventually failed to extend his contract in the summer of 2017 and left Spain without stepping on the first team stage in Barcelona.

That same year, Jang Gye-hee, wearing a Greek Asteras Tripoli FC uniform, finished the contract after a year without being able to compete in the first team.

Jang Gye-hee returned to Korea after a three-year contract with Pohang in September 2018 while looking for a new team.

However, even in Pohang, the K-League debut could not be played. In 2019, he played 16 games in the R-League, a second-team league, only scoring 3 goals and 1 assist, and then canceled his contract with Pohang before the 2020 season.

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