Jaeyong Lee Let’s make a new Samsung… Eui-seon transformed into a new growth engine

The five major domestic groups, including Samsung, Hyundai Motors, SK LG Lotte, did not hold a New Year’s party this year. Due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19), the heads of the New Year’s address were shared via email or video. But the message was more offensive than ever. It did not stop at the level of responding appropriately to the crisis and surpassing difficult times. He encouraged him to leap to the top with a call to make a year that must not be shrunken by the crisis, and to make a year of victory. The chiefs also emphasized entrepreneurship and customers.

Jaeyong Lee

“This year is the first year of a new era”

Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong did not send a separate New Year message. Instead, they attended the ceremony for bringing in foundry (consigned semiconductor production) facilities held at a new semiconductor factory in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province. He declared that this year will be the first year of the’new Samsung’. Vice-Chairman Lee emphasized, “Let’s build a healthy ecosystem in cooperation with partner companies, academia, and research institutions to achieve a myth in system semiconductors. Together, we can open up the future.”

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Eui-sun Eui-seon raised the topic of management this year as’a great transformation into a new growth engine’. Chairman Chung presented the goal of “we will solidify our position as a global eco-friendly Tier 1 (top-tier) brand.” He said, “We will continue to expand our investment in new technologies to preoccupy future market opportunities. We will become the first mover in the new era.” Chairman Chung also mentioned future foods such as electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells, autonomous driving, connectivity, software, urban aviation mobility (UAM), and robotics.

“Customer focus, entrepreneurship is the key”

SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won shared a New Year’s address with executives and employees on the 1st. Chairman Choi urged, “Our daily life will not be easy this year, but we can overcome it with creative efforts,” and urged, “Let’s gather strength and mind based on challenge, ambition, and new entrepreneurship.” He then emphasized, “After this winter, spring will come, and let us rush that spring together.” It means that we will lead rather than wait for the economic recovery. He also suggested’a new entrepreneurial spirit that resonates with society’ as the topic.

LG Group Chairman Koo Kwang-mo ordered customers and persistence from employees. Instead of commenting on the corona crisis, he sent a message to focus on the essence of management. Chairman Koo emphasized, “We need to understand customers more closely and find aspirations in our hearts to increase customer satisfaction.” He said, “It would be good to make small things with care, with the tenacity that we will never compromise until customers are moved and enthusiastic.”

Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin presented the goal of leading the economic recovery without being shrunk by the crisis. Chairman Shin said, “Let’s focus on creating synergy at the group level, not being constrained by surrounding risks. We need a prepared attitude to respond immediately when the economy regains vitality and an active and voluntary attitude to lead the economic recovery. Encouraged.

Reporter Do Byeong-wook/Lee Sun-ah [email protected]

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