Jae-Myung Lee “Let’s let the vaccine and the nurse go too” Medical field “Is encouraged conflict between doctors and nurses”

Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jae-myeong asked nurses to allow medical treatment, such as vaccination or specimen collection, in urgent cases such as a doctor’s strike. Governor Lee criticized the Korean Medical Association, which announced a general strike by opposing the amendment to the medical law, in a post on Facebook on the 22nd entitled, “I propose to the National Assembly an exception to the doctor’s treatment against a vaccine strike.”

Governor Lee accuses of general strike agreement
President Moon controversy

Governor Lee said, “In order to protect the lives of the people, doctors are given the exclusive right to conduct medical treatment with a license. It was illegal”. “As a member of the community, there are laws that should not be broken, and there are lines that should not be crossed,” he criticized the medical association as “national disregard for the public. At the same time, he asked the National Assembly to hurry to create a bill that would allow those with certain qualifications, such as nurses, to temporarily perform minor medical practices such as vaccinations or specimen collection in urgent cases where it is difficult to maintain the medical system due to an illegal strike. .

In the passport recently, “If (a medical organization) engages in illegal collective action, it is appropriate for the government to respond decisively” (Lee Nak-yeon, representative of the Democratic Party on the 22nd), “Does the medical council live in an extraterritorial jurisdiction” ), etc. There is increasing pressure on the medical association. Here, public opinion for the amendment to the medical law is expected to be high, and there is an expectation that if the controversy over the medical strike continues, it could be a good news for the 4/7 re-election.

Among doctors, criticism came out that “this governor promotes the conflict between doctors and nurses”. Kim Dong-seok, chairman of the Korean Opening Doctors Council, said, “The governor said,’Nurse vaccination is allowed’, and this should be stopped immediately due to the behavior that promotes conflict between medical professions.” It is divided. Conflict between medical professions through the frame of doctors versus nurses contrary to medical law will produce another social side effect.”

The controversy over the split between doctors and nurses was also raised in a post of encouragement to nurses posted on Facebook by President Moon Jae-in in September last year when the medical association was striking against the expansion of medical school quotas. At that time, when President Moon said, “I express my deep gratitude and respect to the nurses who are guarding the medical field where the doctors left,” criticism came out that it was not appropriate to express the medical staff working for Corona 19 as doctors and nurses.

Reporters Oh Hyun-seok and Han Young-hye [email protected]
