IZONE, eventually disbanded [공식]

Eyes One (Photo = Off the Record)

[이데일리 스타in 윤기백 기자] Group IZ*ONE eventually disbands.

According to multiple music officials on the 10th, IZone could not narrow the disagreement between the management companies over the extension of the contract, so they agreed to disband after being active until April as scheduled. IZone members are expected to continue their activities by returning to elemental speed after dissolution.

Mnet also said on this day, “The project activities of IZone will be completed as scheduled in April. We will continue to support growth as an artist in the future so that the fantastic story we have made can continue.”

IZone debuted through Mnet’s’Produce 48′ in 2018. It has released a number of hit songs such as’Panorama’,’Violetta’ and’Ravian Rose’.

However, before the release of the first full album in November 2019, IZone was on the verge of dissolution as the voting operation of the live broadcast of the Mnet audition program’Produce’ series was confirmed to be true, but continued activities through agreement between the management companies. In recent years, the court once again became controversial when it released a list of trainees who were victims of voting manipulation.

◇Mnet official position

Hi. This is Mnet.

Mnet and Swing Entertainment/Off the Record have been discussing and listening to the opinions of each agency for the best activities of 12 members ahead of the end of the project of’IZONE’.

IZONE’s project activity, which debuted with the COLOR*IZ album in 2018 and has grown into a girl group representing Asia, has been greatly loved on the global stage as well as in Korea, will be completed as scheduled in April.

‘ONE, THE STORY’, an online solo concert with fans who love’IZONE’, will be held for two days on March 13th and 14th.

Mnet and Swing Entertainment/Off the Record would like to express our gratitude to all 12 members of’IZONE’ who have shown great looks so far, and we will continue to support growth as an artist in the future so that the fantastic story we have made together can continue.

Please look forward to and support the new image they will show in the future.
