I’ve been playing baseball longer than the baseball team Camptalk

[엑스포츠뉴스 서귀포, 조은혜 기자] The beginning of Kangmin Kim was the beginning of SK Wyverns. When Kim Kang-min’s last was not the SK Wyverns, the feelings of a 21-year veteran were complex and subtle.

Kang-min Kim is one of the first players appointed by SK for the first rookie draft in 2000 when SK Wyverns was founded. Even after 20 years, Kang-min Kim’s skills were still there, but the team faces change. Kim Kang-min, who met at Spring Camp in Jeju Island, said, “I thought it might be an incident or an issue, but I was embarrassed as there were more and more articles. For the first time, I was dazed for a while, and I looked back at the time when Shinsegae E-Mart announced its acquisition of SK Wyverns.

Kang-min Kim laughed, “Somehow, I played baseball longer than the baseball team”, but soon said, “It’s a little shocking too.” He confessed, “The team that played for 20 years disappeared overnight, and I couldn’t take it right away.”

But no matter what emblem they run, what they need to do is set. Kang-min Kim said,’It may be messy, but the players have their own work to do. He said, “I have to play baseball anyway, even if it is acquired,” he said. “I have unfortunate results last year, and I prepared early to avoid making the same mistakes last year, but I hope you don’t care.

He continued,’I think the support will be better if a new team takes over our team. I have more anticipation for the things to come than what has been past. Isn’t it a group that jumped into the sport of baseball even in a bad situation? I think you are thinking a lot. He emphasized that players should do what they can do as much as possible.

Kang-min Kim criticized himself last year, saying,’There were a lot of shortcomings. He’was jagged. There were times when it was good, but as I went to the second half, my physical strength dropped a lot. This year, it would be nice if those parts were supplemented. I am making a strong mind. I think it’s the end of the year, so I play the best I can play. He said, “I feel like I’m playing baseball like this because I try not to leave any regrets.

Kim Kang-min, who said,’It’s strange that it’s nothing,’ said,’There are memories that have passed, good memories and bad memories, but I hope you look forward to being with fans in the future. The players will also try to reach out to the fans. I will try my best too, and since all players will pay more attention to the fans, I hope to see you often at the baseball field.

[email protected] / Photo = SK Wyverns

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