“I’ve been playing baseball longer than the baseball team” [캠프:톡]

[엑스포츠뉴스 서귀포, 조은혜 기자] The beginning of Kangmin Kim was the beginning of SK Wyverns. When Kim Kang-min’s last was not the SK Wyverns, the feelings of a 21-year veteran were complex and subtle.

Kang-min Kim is one of the first players appointed by SK for the first rookie draft in 2000 when SK Wyverns was founded. Even after 20 years, Kang-min Kim’s skills were still there, but the team faces change. Kim Kang-min, who met at Spring Camp in Jeju Island, said, “I thought it might be an issue or an issue, but I was embarrassed because there were more articles. I was dazed for a while for the first time,” looking back at the time when Shinsegae E-Mart announced its acquisition of SK Wyverns.

Kang-min Kim laughed, “Somehow, I played baseball longer than the baseball team.” He confessed, “The team that played for 20 years disappeared overnight, and I couldn’t take it right away.”

But no matter what emblem they run, what they have to do is set. Kim Kang-min said, “It may be messy, but players have their own work to do. Baseball is a priority, and even if it is taken over, they have to play their own baseball anyway.” I prepared it from now on, but I hope I don’t care.”

He continued, “I think the support will be better if a new team takes over our team. I have a higher expectation for the things that will come ahead than what has been past. Aren’t they a group that jumped into the sport of baseball even in a bad situation? I’m thinking a lot. I think it will. Players should also do what they can do as much as possible.”

Kang-min Kim criticized himself last year, saying,’There were a lot of shortcomings. He said, “It was jagged. There were times when it was good, but as we went to the second half, the physical part fell a lot. It would be good if that part was supplemented this year. I haven’t been thinking about it yet. I’m making a strong mind. “I think I’m playing the best I can, so I feel like I’m playing baseball like this because I try not to leave any regrets.”

“It’s weird that it’s nothing,” said Kim Kang-min, who said, “It’s a memory that has passed, and there are good and bad memories, but I want you to look forward to joining the fans in the future. The players will try to reach out to the fans. I will try my best, too. All players will pay more attention to the fans, so I hope to see you often at the baseball field.”

[email protected] / Photo = SK Wyverns
