It’s wrong to get hurt… Apologize after profaning Son Heung-min, who was injured in Gamst

Gamst apologizes for swearing
“I swear by Internet broadcasting excuses”
“I will apologize directly to the players.”

BJ Gamst (left), soccer player Son Heung-min / Photo = Instagram

BJ Gamst (left), soccer player Son Heung-min / Photo = Instagram

YouTuber and BJ Gamst apologized for swearing at professional football player Son Heung-min during a live broadcast.

On the afternoon of the 16th, Gamst posted a video titled’Sorry’ on his YouTube channel. In the one-minute video, Gamst apologized, “I swear during the live broadcast during the daytime today. It’s obviously my fault. I’m sincerely sorry to Son Heung-min.”

He said, “I didn’t know if I made such a remark even after I said swearing, and I found out after the viewers pointed out,” he said, “I’m sorry.”

Gamst said, “I used to swear a lot for the excuse of internet broadcasting, and viewers and subscribers usually told me to reduce the swearing, but I couldn’t accept it so much, and in the end, I think I did such a big mistake.” As a soccer fan, I would like to say that I am sorry again for the damage caused by my remarks.”

BJ Gamst apple video/photo = YouTube capture

BJ Gamst apple video/photo = YouTube capture

Finally, Gamst bowed his head, saying, “I will also directly apologize to Son Heung-min. In the video, Gamst bent and apologized three times.

The netizens who saw this showed reactions such as, “He who is good with his mouth, he is ruined with his mouth”, “It was unpleasant even though I was an unknown soccer player”, “I think I said it without thinking”, and “I need to reduce curse.”

Earlier, Gamst said about the injury to Son Heung-min during the live broadcast, “Why are you so upset that Son Heung-min was injured without really lying this time? XX-like XX”. Afterwards, viewers commented on protests such as “Is it abusive to Son Heung-min?”

Son Heung-min suffered a hamstring injury while running for the ball in the English Premier League match against Tottenham vs. Arsenal on the 15th (Korean time).

Reporter Jeong Tae-gun [email protected]

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