“It’s really serious” A window that pops up as soon as you enter the homepage of Jeonju Lee’s family

Pop-up window on the homepage of Jeonju Lee Chong Pharmacy, which received attention

Jeonju Lee Jong-Yak Center server is also down due to the pouring interest

SBS’Joseongu Masa’ poster

Jeonju Lee Dae-dong Jong Yak Institute (Jeonju Lee Dae-dong Jong-in-Hohoe) made a statement regarding the fact that SBS’s Monday and Tuesday drama’Chosun-gu Masa’ was engulfed in a serious history distortion controversy.

On the 24th, Jeonju Lee C. Daedong Medical Center opened a pop-up window on the representative website. The pop-up came up with a somewhat stern title, “I request an immediate suspension of broadcasting of the historical distortion Northeast Fair Drama “Chosun Gumasa”.

Jeonju Lee’s Daedong Jong Yak Center said, “The contents of the SBS drama’Chosungu Masa’ broadcasted on the 22nd and 23rd are broadcasted by distorting them differently from historical facts while using the names of real people in history such as Taejong, Yangnyeongdaegun, and Chungnyeongdaegun. I did” he pointed out.

Jeonju Lee C Daedong Pharmacy homepage pop-up window

In addition, he stressed, “At Jong Yak-won, we intend to present a strong countermeasure to the broadcasting station and production crew due to concerns that the majority of the people and people around the world may have a negative perception of the Joseon Dynasty and a false sense of history.”

“Some of the media and the public are seriously raising concerns about the distortion of the drama and the historical facts, and are even making petitions for the Blue House. We urge all of you to actively participate in the petition,” he said. Left.

Actor Gam Woo-sung who appears in the role of Taejong (Bang-won Lee) in’Choseon-gu Masa’ / SBS’Chosun-gu Masa’
Currently, the homepage of the Chosun Lee Cdaedong Medical Center is down due to excessive traffic.

On this day, YG Studio, Lotte Culture Mix, Craven Works, and SBS, the production companies of’Chosun Gumasa’, made an official position regarding controversy such as history distortion.

The production company admitted the mistake, saying, “It is a mistake made by the production crew who did not know in advance that some clothes and props are Chinese style. We will correct it as much as possible so as not to feel uncomfortable in viewing.”

SBS also said, “As much as dealing with real people and history, I should have taken care of and inspected them in more detail, but I feel infinite responsibility for the parts that couldn’t be done.” He added, “I will reorganize the overall contents through the next week’s gyeolbang.”

Reporter Kwon Mi-jeong

[email protected]

