“It’s okay to try” 10 daily routines that will continue even after the coronavirus outbreak

“Before Corona 19, you cannot go back forever.”

This is a word that wandered about a year ago when Corona 19, which came like an uninvited visitor, spread. At that time, I was dubious. Over the past year, which was swallowed by Corona 19, many changes have come to our daily lives. From customizing masks to the’zipcock’ culture, working from home, and non-face-to-face consumption. Sometimes it was uncomfortable and painful, but there are changes that have become familiar. I can only realize now that I can’t go back forever. Among the lifestyle changes that came with Corona 19, we selected ten things that will remain as they are after the end of the pandemic. Hyang Lee, co-author of’Trend Korea 2021′, a trend forecast book of the Seoul National University Consumer Trend Analysis Center, was supervised by a professor at Sungshin Women’s University Department of Service and Design Engineering.

Among the changes that have come to our daily lives in the first year of Corona 19, we selected 10 lifestyle trends that will continue even after the end.  Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

Among the changes that have come to our daily lives in the first year of Corona 19, we selected 10 lifestyle trends that will continue even after the end. Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

① Home Quick Meal (HMR)

The heyday of Home Meal Replacement, which can be easily cooked and eaten in a short time, has opened. The industry estimates that the domestic HMR market, which was about 2.510 trillion won in 2017, has grown by about 50% to 3.78 trillion won in 2020. The simple home meal, which was limited to one meal, has also been diversified and advanced. Experts say Quick home meal is not a substitute for eating out, but a substitute for’home meal’So even if eating out became possible, I thought it would continue to be effective.

HMR was a relief pitcher in the era of'Dolbap Dolbap', which means that if you turn around, you have to cook.  Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

HMR was a relief pitcher in the era of’Dolbap Dolbap’, which means that if you turn around, you have to cook. Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

② Home training
As the gym closed, I set up a gym at home and worked out with a fitness trainer on YouTube. It was uncomfortable, but soon got used to it. More than anything High-quality health content overflowsAre doing. Subscription-type homet content companies such as Peloton and Tonal have also appeared. Global View Research, a market research firm, predicted that the global fitness app market last year will grow by more than 20% on an annual average from 2.4 billion dollars (about 3 trillion won) in 2018 to 22.9 billion dollars (about 25 trillion won) in 2026. There are also good things to exercise at home. Especially Reduction of travel timeIs a breakthrough change. The dangers of exercising together in a confined spaceIt is also a factor that accelerates the Homt trend.

③ Write a mask

Masking is not as much as it is now, but I think it will continue to some extent. Positive change revealed by the mask Because. After the outbreak of Corona 19, the number of flu and cold patients was significantly reduced due to masks. The power to wear masks such as fine dust is still there. Some also pay attention to the mask’s’mask effect’. Comfort in the crowd by wearing a mask centered on the younger generationThe psychology of feeling is spreading. Of course, there are opinions that there are many people who will throw off their masks if safety is secured, such as the fact that makeup is smeared, it is especially uncomfortable for people wearing glasses, and it is difficult to communicate with their mouth covered.

④ Hygiene habits

Once raised, hygiene levels do not fall easily. Changes in the perception of hygiene itself Because. Hygiene rules that have penetrated deeply into life due to Corona 19, such as washing hands, wearing a mask, and disinfecting, are expected to continue even after the end. The same applies to etiquette in everyday life, such as covering your mouth with your arms or hands and coughing, and refraining from talking in confined spaces such as elevators.

The level of awareness of hygiene, which has been raised once, is not expected to decrease.  Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

The level of awareness of hygiene, which has been raised once, is not expected to decrease. Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

⑤ Goodbye dinner
The workplace dinner culture, which was forced out due to Corona 19, is expected to gradually disappear. In the atmosphere of refraining from meetings, there was a culture of’non-face-to-face dinner’ and’lanseon dinner’ using’zoom’, a light dinner that ends before 9 pm. Of course, there is also a side effect of communication within the organization due to the absence of a drinking party, so after the end of the corona, the drinking party will lead to the second and third rounds rather than completely disappearing. The direction of the decline of excessive drinking and drinkingChange will come.

⑥ Working from home

Some companies can’t work from home, but no one doesn’t. Experts are able to build a remote work system and collaboration infrastructure and systemize employee competency evaluation. Regular telecommuting for large companies or IT-related mid-sized or larger companiesIt is expected to walk the path of. It is also a good opportunity for companies to reduce office operation and real estate costs.

⑦ Small wedding

Small weddings became popular as wedding gatherings of more than 50 people became impossible due to social distancing. Even before Corona 19, the wedding trend, which had been decreasing due to’small wedding’, is expected to settle. In the meantime, if you couldn’t venture boldly due to the Korean-style face culture or the difference of opinions with your parents’ generation, Corona 19 was a good excuse. Changes in both quantity and quality, including the size and cost of the wedding, as well as the intimacy of the inviteesWill come.

Non-face-to-face communication such as telecommuting, non-face-to-face meetings, LAN line dinners, and LAN line weddings has become common.  Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

Non-face-to-face communication such as telecommuting, non-face-to-face meetings, LAN line dinners, and LAN line weddings has become common. Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

⑧Practicalist fashion and makeup

Sports shoes instead of high heels, sweatshirts instead of suits, and jogger pants are popular. Nowadays, there are fewer opportunities to dress up and go out, and it is the era of casual fashion. The formula of’going out = make-up’ is also being broken by the mask. Even after the end of Corona 19, the fashion and beauty trend that pursues comfort is unlikely to disappear. Samsung Fashion Research Institute forecasts the fashion market in 2021, Practical attitude that considers comfort and utilization rather than becoming’I’ as the standard of consumption and riding on the trendI thought it would lead. Of course, there are opinions that, after the end, there will be demand, which is rather decorated with counter-payments.

⑨ Camping
It was a year when I felt the preciousness of nature more than ever while staying in my house due to Corona 19. Outdoor activities that are easy to distance, such as golf, mountaineering, and fishing, have attracted attention, and camping is particularly noticeable. According to the industry, the domestic camping population has exceeded 4 million, and the scale of the camping industry has exceeded 2 trillion won. Even if travel becomes free after the end of Corona 19 Travel and leisure trends such as’simple but sure happiness’,’close and familiar places’, and’pro-nature’The popularity of camping is unlikely to fade easily as it is expected to continue.

The past year, when I was forced to play alone.  People who want to become'assa' spontaneously emerged from the'insa' obsession.  Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

The past year, when I was forced to play alone. People who want to become’assa’ spontaneously emerged from the’insa’ obsession. Photo United Nations COVID-19 Response by Unsplash

⑩Play alone
Instead of’Fear Of Missing Out’,’Joy Of Missing Out’ appeared. Those who were forced to play alone with social distancing are expected to realize the joy of playing alone and continue their independent lifestyle, not obsessed with relationships with others after the end. In the Korean society that was obsessed with relations so far, it was said that there was an obsessive compulsive’Insa (Insider)’ ‘Assa (outsider)’ is not a loser, but rather a person who enjoys life on their own without relying on othersThere was a positive perception of that.

Top 10 lifestyles in Korea that will continue even after the coronavirus.  Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min minn@joongang.co.kr

Top 10 lifestyles in Korea that will continue even after the coronavirus. Graphic = Reporter Park Kyung-min [email protected]

“What Corona 19 changed was speed, not direction.”

Professor Hyang-eun Lee pointed out that the lifestyle trend that will continue after Corona 19 was a trend that existed before Corona 19. It means that Corona 19 did not play a role in changing the big wave, but played a role in accelerating trends that existed before. In particular, it was expected that the trends that were maintained by being conscious of others according to Korean face culture, such as weddings, will disappear forever. Prof. Lee predicted that “there will be a lifestyle reorganization centered on the house”. “There will be an era where the function of the house is expanded to various levels, unlike in the past, such as home convenience meals, home training, and working from home.”

Reporter Yu Ji-yeon [email protected]
