“It’s okay to ride slowly as much as you can,”… Kim Bo-reum colleagues, testimony of swearword by Rho-yeong

Speed ​​skating national team leader Kim Bo-reum (28) and Rohn-young (32) are continuing a court battle over the’bullying driving’ controversy. It has been reported that Kim Bo-reum’s fellow players submitted a confirmation to the judiciary stating that “I saw Roh Sun-young swearing at Kim Bo-reum” and “I was also cursed by Roh No.

According to the legal community on the 21st, Kim Bo-reum submitted the facts of the two colleagues who trained with Roh Roh to the court on the 16th.

In November of last year, Kim Bo-reum filed a lawsuit for compensation for damages of 200 million won against Roon-young to the court in November of last year, and attached a confirmation of facts from four male colleagues and one coach.

In response, on the 6th, Noh Yoo-young refuted that it could not be an objective evidence to prove the harsh behavior, saying, “The other players except one did not train with the defendant.”

In response to this claim, Kim Bo-reum released additional data. It contained a more specific situation than the previously submitted confirmation.

In the confirmation letter, “Roh Sun-young criticized me because he was skating quickly, too”, “In the 2017 Sapporo Winter Asian Games, he called for Kim Bo-reum for not saying hello at mealtime,” and “Roh Seon-young’slowly unconsciously I heard a curse at Kim Bo-reum, saying, “You can ride it, you’re crazy.”

In response, Roh Yeong’s side replied, “This is a request that seniors can make to their juniors in the training process, and it was not enough to lead to a harsh act.” Then, Bo-reum Kim pointed out that “Roh Sun-young’s level of perception justifies harsh behavior.”

