“It’s not enough to prove safety”… Government with vague vaccine schedule

Experts “Government Needs to Develop Sophisticated Plans with Sufficient Clinical Data”


While vaccination for a new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Korea is entering the countdown, some are pointing out whether the vaccine schedule established by the government was established in a state of ambiguity.

In particular, in the case of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is expected to be introduced at the end of this month as announced by the government, the controversy is amplifying in that safety issues for the elderly are constantly rising.

In the medical community, it is important for the government to establish a vaccine master plan at a macro level to calm the Corona 19 incident, but it is in the form of a vaccination plan for the elderly to start administering the vaccine without proof of safety. Pointed out that it can be seen.

Rather, it is an analysis that the government should refine its plans a little more elaborate than it currently has and provide clear information that the people can understand to resolve such concerns.

According to the pharmaceutical bio industry on the 3rd, the’Corona 19 Vaccination Response Promotion Team’ announced the’Corona 19 Vaccination Plan’ on the 28th of last month, and is vulnerable to group infections during the first quarter of this year, led by the treatment medical staff this month. They announced that they would be given preemptive vaccinations for high-level elderly group facilities.

On the 1st of this month, the’Corona 19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness Verification Advisory Group’ recommended’conditional permission’ for the Corona 19 vaccine developed by AstraZeneca on the 1st, and that vaccination is possible for the elderly aged 65 or older. I made an opinion.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety will hold the Central Pharmacy Review Committee on the 4th, and after that, the final inspection committee decides whether to permit AstraZeneca. As of now, the introduction of the AstraZeneca vaccine has been established since the end of this month.

However, some medical experts point out that the government’s plan is too vague and dangerous when sufficient clinical data has not yet been accumulated.

Chairman of the Korean Medical Association said, “Recently, in many countries, the use of AstraZeneca vaccine to the elderly over the age of 65 has been controversial. “The medical agreement has not proven the efficacy of AstraZeneca against the elderly over 65. I don’t think I did,” he stressed.

In addition, he added, “Vaccination that has not been proven effective is contrary to the purpose of vaccination to reduce mortality through preferential vaccination for the elderly.”

Many European countries, such as Germany, Italy, and France, are also raising concerns about the refusal of the European Medicines Agency (EMA)’s recommendation for Astranezeca vaccination for all age groups under the European Union (EU). In particular, on the 2nd (local time), Swedish health authorities also added to recommending the use of the vaccine to people under the age of 65.

A professor who requested anonymity said, “Since the end of this month, the elderly will receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, but it is a rather short time for sufficient clinical data to accumulate,” he said. “Before the implementation, additional clinical data must be published. “You have to think about revising this overall plan.”

In reality, many experts agreed that it is difficult to prevent the introduction of AstraZeneca. However, they also advised that the government’s plan needs to be more concrete than it is now.

“AstraZeneca’s vaccination for senior citizens seems to be highly likely to be approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety,” said Yoon Kim, a professor of medical management at Seoul National University. “It is not the best option, but it is the next best option that is currently available. “He said.

“The problem is that the government has not been able to come up with a detailed plan for vaccination. For example, what to do with the elderly at home and what to do with the elderly welfare center? “We haven’t been able to discuss the need for a discussion. We need to go one step more concretely from the priority group that the government has put out now. The detailed plan should come out before the Lunar New Year holiday, but no matter how late this month, it should come out.”

Professor Jeong Jae-hoon of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Gachon University Medical School said, “In fact, it is practically impossible to make all inoculation plans in detail. The vaccine problem should not be approached from a political perspective rather than a science aspect.” “There is a need to disclose permission safety information,” he advised.

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