“It’s a couple who used to use a cell phone together”… The truth about the controversy over neglecting Yoon Jung-hee

Yoon Jung-hee and Paik Kun-woo are listening to questions at a press conference announcing the’Island Village Concert’ in May 2013. MBC provided

It was argued that the elderly actor Yoon Jung-hee (77, real name Son Mi-ja), who is struggling with Alzheimer’s disease, is being neglected by his family in France. Her husband, Paik Kun-woo (75), a famous pianist, strongly refuted that “the content is false and unfounded.”

On the 5th, a post was posted on the Cheongwadae public petition bulletin board on the 5th with the title of’Please save the movie star *** who passes away day by day while disconnected from the outside. The title of this article was originally published in an online community as’Junghee Yoon’ instead of’***’, but was deleted. The petitioner of the national petition claimed in the online community that “I posted an article on the public petition bulletin board, but the name was marked as *** and the blog address that complained about the situation was deleted.” Yoon is an actor who enjoyed Chungmuro ​​in the 1960s~1970s, with Moon Hee and Nam Jung-im being counted as’Actress Troika’. In 1974, after studying in Paris, France, he married a world-renowned pianist, Baek, and became a hot topic. In 2019, the fact that Alzheimer’s had worsened to the point of not being able to recognize acquaintances surprised movie fans. Yun has lived in France since 74 years.

Petitioner argued that Yun was “separated from her husband, not being cared for by her spouse, and was alone and suffering from Alzheimer’s and diabetes in an apartment outside Paris.” Cheong Won-in said, “Although my daughter (Mr. Jin-hee) lives nearby, I can’t take care of my mother properly because my life is busy due to work and family life. I have been neglected by my spouse and daughter. have. I can’t go out alone and live like a prison.”

Baek’s side immediately refuted. On the 7th, Baek’s performance planner Vinchero said, “(Yun Jeong-hee) is an environment where you can stay close to your family rather than a nursing hospital where you have to live far from your family. We are making it possible to live.” In addition, “Unlike the contents of the post, I am living a comfortable and stable life with periodic visits and treatments by doctors, and it is clear that all the limited phone calls and appointments mentioned in the post were decided under the judgment of the court” Added. In this regard, the petitioner said, “I asked my daughter several times so that (Yoon’s) brothers could freely call and visit, but I set the number and time as if visiting a prisoner.” “Calls are made 30 times a month. Minutes, visits are 2 hours every 3 months. Personal liberty is seriously violated, and human rights cannot be found.”

Baek’s side referred to “a dispute that began on May 1, 2019 when Yoon Jeong-hee returned to Paris” as the background of the claim of neglect. According to the film industry, Yun’s younger siblings filed a lawsuit against her father and daughter in 2019, stating that “She shows no affection for her, she is not receiving adequate care and suspects financial embezzlement”. In the same year, it was an objection to the French court’s designation of Mr. Baek’s wife as the guardian of Mr. Yoon’s property and personal life. The lawsuit was finally lost in the Paris High Court in November of last year.

Paik Kun-woo and Yoon Jeong-hee are drinking congratulatory wine at a wedding in 1976. Hankook Ilbo data photo

Movie actor Yoon Jung-hee and pianist Paik Kun-woo are having a friendly time in Paris, France when they were young. Hankook Ilbo data photo

The couple always stuck together until Yun became unable to lead their daily life with Alzheimer’s. As long as there were no special circumstances, Yun was accompanied by Baek’s concert every time. If Yoon had a movie-related schedule, Baek was with him. The two also shared a cell phone. In an interview with the Hankook Ilbo in April 2010, Yoon said, “The friends I meet are similar and always with each other, so there is no reason to have each cell phone.” At that time, the interview location was right next to Baek’s practice field. Baek cut off his wife Yoon’s hair for more than 40 years after marriage, and Yoon is also famous for the story of cleaning her husband Baek’s performance shoes. On behalf of his wife, when Yun received the Achievement Award at the Women’s Filmmaker of the Year Awards in December 2019, Baek also sent a testimony that “we always support female filmmakers and Korean films.”

Yoon Jeong-hee is posing with the Hankook Ilbo ahead of the release of the movie’Poetry’ in 16 years in April 2010. Hankook Ilbo data photo

There is a reaction in the film world that they do not believe in the claim of neglect. Yun and Baek are a couple who have considered each other like alter egos, and it is up to recently that Yoon is being cared for by his family. According to the film industry, three caregivers take turns taking care of Yun. It is known that the daughter living next door checks the care situation through closed circuit (CC) TV. One filmmaker wondered that “if you know anything between Yun and Baek, you will not be able to accept the petition easily.”

Lazegi Film Reporter

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