It wasn’t just the smell of cigarettes… 76% of Chinese healed after half a year

Jinintan Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where patients with novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) were quarantined.  Wuhan = Yonhap News

Jinintan Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, where patients with novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) were quarantined. Wuhan = Yonhap News

Wuhan Hospital, 1733 people, followed up for 6 months
63% complain of fatigue or muscle weakness
Sleep disorder 26%, Depression 23%
Impaired lung and kidney function reported

A study found that 76% of patients who received hospital treatment for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) suffer from sequelae even after half a year. This study, which was conducted on patients in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the first epidemic of Corona 19, is the largest of the sequelae studies that have been released so far.

Chinese researchers followed up an average of 6 months for 1,733 patients who were discharged from January 7 to May 29 last year at Jin Intan Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province. At the time, patients with severe corona 19 were hospitalized in Jinintan Hospital.

According to a paper published on the 8th in the medical journal The Lancet, 76% of the study subjects suffered one or more aftereffects such as fatigue, sleep disturbance, and hair loss even after 6 months of recovery from Corona 19. Fatigue or muscle weakness was the most frequent (63%), followed by sleep disturbances (26%).

In addition, 23% complained of anxiety or depression, and 22% of patients said they were suffering from hair loss. Patients with olfactory impairment were counted as 11%, joint pain 8%, and taste disorder 7%.

The researchers also studied Corona 19 and organ damage. Patients with severe symptoms during hospitalization also had a higher probability of lung damage. In a pulmonary function test of 349 patients, more than half of the patients with oxygen ventilators (56%) suffered from pulmonary dysfunction. Patients who received adjuvant oxygen therapy and those who did not require oxygen therapy had the same sequelae in 29% and 22%, respectively.

Kidney function decline has also been reported. It was found that 35% of patients (1393 patients) who could measure the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a representative indicator of renal function, had decreased renal function. eGFR refers to the amount of blood that the kidneys filter cleanly in one minute, and this level drops when the kidneys cannot properly filter waste products in the blood.

In particular, of the 822 patients whose eGFR levels were normal at the time of hospitalization, 107 (13%) had renal function declined below the normal level in subsequent studies after recovery.

In the paper, the research team said, “The results of this study show that patients with COVID-19 who had severe symptoms need management even after recovery.” To fully understand the effects of Corona 19 on health, longer follow-up studies in more groups are needed. ”

Reporter Seok Kyung-min [email protected]
