‘It can’t be avoided anymore’… Third blockade of metropolitan areas such as France and Paris

Police patrolling the Montmartre hills in Paris, France in March, when the first blockade was issued

picture explanationPolice patrolling the Montmartre hills in Paris, France in March, when the first blockade was issued

The metropolitan area, where France’s most populous population, is again blocked.

At a press conference held on the afternoon of the 18th (local time), Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that eight states in the Ile-de-France region, including Paris, will impose restrictions on movement for four weeks starting from the 20th.

In France, Ile-de-France occupies only 1.9%, but as of 2017, 12.17 million people, or 18.8% of the total population, live there.

In addition, the same measures will be applied to the five provinces in the northern Aux-de-France region, as well as eight provinces, including Senmaritim, Eure and Alpmaritim.

Prior to this, the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) was blocked for a limited time in areas where the spread of coronavirus was severe, but this measure restricts movement even on weekdays.

“The weekend blockades applied over the past few weeks to Alpmaritim and Padkale have worked, but not enough to stop the spread,” said Prime Minister Castex.

If there is something different from last year’s blockade in March-May and October-December, you can go out within a 10km radius of your residence while holding a movement confirmation without time restrictions during the day. Last year, it was allowed to move within 1 km for an hour.

Instead, movement between regions is prohibited. Kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high schools were operated normally, and high schools decided to keep class attendance at half.

Non-essential workplaces cannot do business. Unlike last year’s blockade, books and music are included in the essentials, so bookstores and record stores can be opened.

In areas free from blockades, nighttime curfew measures are maintained. However, starting this weekend, the curfew start time has been delayed from 6 pm to 7 pm.

Prime Minister Castex explained that the third epidemic of Corona 19 has come to France, and that a mutant virus originating from the UK, which has a strong transmission power, has been affected.

Recently, three-quarters of the people who were tested positive for Corona 19 in France were counted to have a mutant virus originating in the UK, Castex explained.

The government also decided to resume vaccination at AstraZeneca-Oxford University, which had been temporarily suspended according to the results of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) review.

Prime Minister Castex plans to vaccinate the AstraZeneca vaccine on the afternoon of the 19th, reported daily Lefigaro.

The cumulative corona 19 confirmed in France is 4181,607, the sixth largest in the world, and the cumulative death toll is 9,1,679, the 8th in the world.

In France, which started vaccination at the end of December last year, 5.63 million,671 people have completed the first vaccination by this day. The vaccine used in France needs to be given twice at regular intervals in order to expect an immune effect.


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