It becomes difficult for office workers to break through negative bankbooks exceeding 50 million won in banks

Banking Team = As banknotes have tightened credit loans since the beginning of the year under pressure from financial authorities to manage household loans, even office workers and public officials with high income and high credit are now having difficulty breaking through negative bankbooks with more than 50 million won.

It has become difficult to break through negative bankbooks exceeding 50 million won in banks.

picture explanationIt has become difficult to break through negative bankbooks exceeding 50 million won in banks.

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◇ Shinhan·Woori·Kavin Matong limit 50 million won↓… Suhyup Bank stopped opening

According to the financial sector on the 1st, Shinhan Bank decided to lower the limit of negative bankbooks (limited transaction loans or automatic bankbook automatic loans) to 50 million won on credit loans for office workers and credit loans for public officials starting on the 3rd.

This means that the upper limit for opening a negative bankbook is reduced to half of the existing 100 million won.

For example, in the case of a borrower (a person who borrows money) whose total credit limit was calculated as 100 million won as a result of a bank review, it was possible to receive the entire limit of 100 million won in the form of a negative account, but now the negative account can penetrate up to 50 million won. You can, and you have to use regular credit loans for the rest.

In addition, Shinhan Bank will strengthen the DSR review criteria for credit loans. Prior to the 3rd, if the DSR (Total Debt Principal Repayment Ratio) exceeded 50%, the headquarters was reviewed, and if it exceeded 40% from the 3rd, it was subject to the headquarters review.

An official from Shinhan Bank explained, “The increase in household loans has been steep recently, and in order to intensively respond to the demand for funds such as loans from real users, we are reducing the negative bankbook limit and strengthening the DSR review.”

Earlier, on the 29th of last month, Woori Bank also significantly reduced the limit of negative bankbook loan products from 80 million won to 100 million won to 50 million won.On the 22nd of the same month, Kakao Bank, an internet specialty bank, also offered negative bankbook loans and credit loan products for high-credit office workers. The limit was reduced by 50 million won from 150 million won to 100 million won.

On the same day, Suhyup Bank stopped new loans for negative bankbooks among the’Sh The Dream Credit Loan’ products for office workers, and K Bank raised the interest rate for negative bankbook loans for office workers by 0.1% on the 28th, raising the minimum interest rate to 3.0% per year. did.

◇ To reduce the household loan growth rate to 5%… “Finally tightening the credit loan”

In this way, the strong binding of credit loans centering on negative bankbooks from the beginning of the year is related to the government’s pressure on household loan management.

At the end of last year, five major commercial banks submitted a target of 5-8% of household loan growth rate management this year. Recently, at a meeting on household loan trends, the authorities told the executives (deputy bank chiefs) in charge of household loans at commercial banks, “(Goal growth rate Lee) It is known that he said, “If you think it is too much, I will present an adjustment value.”

Accordingly, the banking sector predicts that the target for the household loan growth rate this year will be reduced to around 5%.

Considering the fact that the total household loans of the five major commercial banks of KB Kookmin, Shinhan, Hana, Woori, and NH Nonghyup last year increased by 9.73% (59,397 trillion won) from 2019, households amid a surge in demand for funds due to Corona 19. It is difficult to match the annual growth rate of loans to 5%.

In the end, the banking sector has no choice but to intensively reduce credit loans among household loans following the end of last year.

An official in the financial sector said, “Assuming that the housing transaction is the same as last year, in the case of home mortgage loans, the rate of increase in the price of the house will naturally increase.” In order to do so, banks have to tighten their credit loans. This will be a very difficult year for consumers to receive credit loans.”

It is in the same vein that the banking sector has reduced the limit for high-income and professional credit loans from October last year to the end of the year.

In particular, the negative bankbook is expected to be a major target for tightening bank household loans throughout the year as it is more likely to be used as a financing tool for stock and real estate investment rather than real demand funds, as explained by Shinhan Bank. This is because it is effective as a means of controlling the rate of growth, and it is also in line with the government’s concerns about the flow of loans into the asset market.

[그래픽]  Credit Loan Balance Trend

picture explanation[그래픽] Credit Loan Balance Trend


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