[IT큐레이션] Issuance of corporate bonds from Vingroup…LG Electronics’ picture?

[이코노믹리뷰=최진홍 기자] It was confirmed that the Vin Group, called Samsung in Vietnam, issued corporate bonds for additional investment in the mobile phone business. The attention is focused because it is a decision made while LG Electronics is exploring’various possibilities’ for the operation of the MC business headquarters for smartphones.

Eyes are focused on LG Electronics' MC business headquarters operation.  Source = LG Electronics
Eyes are focused on LG Electronics’ MC business headquarters operation. Source = LG Electronics

Bean group movement

Marketscreener reported on the 25th (local time) “Vietnam Bin Group issued 7 trillion Vietnamese dong (about $33.6 million) corporate bonds to expand its mobile and smartphone business.”

The industry is paying attention to Bean Group’s actions.

LG Electronics remains open to the possibility of the sale of the MC division, which has recently recorded a deficit in the 25th quarter. In fact, LG Electronics said on the 20th, “LG Electronics has made great efforts in recent years to improve the business structure of the MC business division, such as improving the efficiency of resource management, adjusting global production sites, and launching innovative products through product portfolio improvements.” “However, the MC division has been operating for 23 consecutive quarters since the second quarter of 2015, and the cumulative operating deficit until the end of last year is 5 trillion won,” he said. In that extension, it has opened up the possibility of selling the MC division.

In the industry, LG Electronics focused on minimizing the function of the MC business division or selling it based on selection and concentration. Among these, Vietnam’s Vingroup was selected as one of the most active companies in LG Electronics’ acquisition of the MC business division. Although various candidates for acquisition such as Volswagon and Google are on the rise,’theory’ that Vingroup was the most interested in acquiring the MC business division was overrun.

Although LG Electronics’ MC division’s smartphone market share is only 2% of the global market, it is necessary to focus on the fact that it has a significant presence in the North American market. Bean Group has been striving to strengthen the North American market momentum for a long time, and from this perspective, it is predicted that Bean Group will accelerate its entry into the North American market, which had been’sook-won’ by taking over the MC business headquarters.

Of course, it has not yet been determined how LG Electronics will lead the MC business headquarters. However, it is said that the fact that Bean Group has prepared a’massive real shot’ through the issuance of corporate bonds while being the closest company to the acquisition of the MC business division has a great implication in itself. The possibility of securing LG Electronics’ MC business headquarters line infrastructure or having a R&D organization in the North American market is being raised.

LG rollable phone.  Source = LG Electronics
LG rollable phone. Source = LG Electronics

What is the picture of LG Electronics?

While it is said that the Bean Group will aggressively take over LG Electronics’ MC division through issuance of corporate bonds, attention is also focused on the big picture of LG Electronics.

LG Electronics is currently building an allied electric wire with Magna, an electric equipment manufacturer, while building a software electric equipment platform in solidarity with Looksoft. With the VS business headquarters in the center, they are actively delving into the B2B area of ​​the future car market. In the meantime, it is analyzed that LG Electronics has established a large pillar based on the traditionally strong TV and home appliance infrastructure, and that the future vehicle electronic equipment business was selected as a future growth engine in solidarity with Magna and Looksoft.

There is no position in the MC division here. If the issuance of corporate bonds from Vietnam’s Vingroup leads to the acquisition of LG Electronics’ MC division, LG Electronics’ mobile DNA will almost disappear.

However, LG Electronics is expected to reinforce the power of artificial intelligence software at the group level, while making TV and home appliance competitiveness and electric equipment business core foods, while leaving minimal room for smartphone infrastructure.

This is why the solidarity with Apple is in the spotlight. With Magna already showing the intersection of the visions of LG Electronics and Apple Cars, the possibility is raised that LG Electronics will continue to play the role of an advanced base for Apple’s smartphone manufacturing while LG Electronics is passing the production process to the Bean Group.

This is the significant reason that LG Electronics is trying to improve the efficiency of smartphone manufacturing through manufacturer development and production (ODM). In conclusion, while focusing on the two pillars of TV, household appliances, and electronic equipment, LG Electronics cannot rule out the possibility of working as a strategic leader in Apple’s sharpening smartphone while transferring the functions of the MC division to the outside, including the Bean Group. .

Furthermore, LG Electronics revealed some of its rollable smartphones, LG Rollables, through CES 2021, but the industry’s opinions on the possibility of mass-production are disagreeable, and Apple’s recent release of the blueprint for rollable smartphones draws attention. In addition to the two pillars pursued by LG Electronics, it is evaluated that active solidarity with Apple can be realized as the direction of smartphone ODM.

Meanwhile, while industry sources say that LG Electronics will announce a material issue on the 26th, there is a possibility that it will disclose decisions related to the MC division on the 29th, the date of the fourth quarter of last year, at the latest. The ear is attention.
