Issuance of KakaoTalk digital asset wallet clip stock non-issue confirmation

Photo = Ground X

Photo = Ground X

Kakao’s blockchain technology subsidiary Ground X (CEO Jae-sun Han) has developed its own KakaoTalk digital asset wallet Klip, which is a non-replaceable token (NFT)-based digital card issued by the stock management platform’Quotabook’. It was announced on the 17th that it would be issued.

Quotabook is a service that provides stock and fund management tools to start-ups and investors, and provides automation functions such as list of shareholders and stock issuance details, stock option grants, and convocation of general shareholders’ meetings. All shareholders can easily search the issuance details, old stock transactions, and change history of all stocks. Minutes and contracts can be managed at the same time.

Since its establishment in 2019, Quota Book has attracted investments from nearly 20 institutions, and has secured a number of leading domestic startups and initial investment companies such as Viva Republica, Style Share, and Spoon Radio as clients.

The Quota Book has decided to issue and provide an NFT-based digital card in the digital asset wallet clip developed by Ground X. Digital cards can be issued through the Quota Book application, and are permanently stored on the public blockchain platform’Klaytn’, so they can be checked at any time.

Existing unpublished confirmations had to be issued and kept in a separate document form, so there was a hassle of re-issuing if the documents were lost. However, by replacing it with Clip’s digital card, it is now possible to easily manage and authenticate a number of unpublished confirmations in Clip. Even if the contents of the existing stock non-issuance confirmation change and become invalid, you can immediately check it in the clip.

Jae-seon Han, CEO of Ground X, said, “By verifying and verifying the stock non-issuance confirmation through a digital asset wallet clip, accessibility and convenience are greatly enhanced and the Clayton-based safeguard is secured. Said.

“There has been no way to quickly and accurately prove ownership of unlisted stocks,” said Choi Dong-hyun, CEO of Quota Book, but through collaboration with Clip, we are able to provide a solution to the market for the first time.

Reporter Kim San-ha [email protected]
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