“Isolation? I’m Running Away” live broadcast … Swiss anger over 400 British escapees

The ski resort of Barbie, Switzerland, a favorite among British.[AFP=연합뉴스]

The ski resort of Barbie, Switzerland, a favorite among British.[AFP=연합뉴스]

The news of British tourists who “group escape” from the ski resort while Switzerland is ignoring the demand for self-isolation is booming. Of the 420 self-isolation targets, only 12 were found to have kept it.

In addition, a former British diplomat was known to have posted a saga on his social media’Escape Period’, setting fire to angry public sentiment.

According to the British Daily Guardian on the 28th (local time), more than 400 British people who were staying at Verbier ski resort in Bagnes Autonomous Region, Switzerland, began to leave the ski resort when the “self-quarantine for ten days” instructions were given to the news of the mutant virus from England. Eventually, only 12 British were left in the quarantine, the media reported.

According to Swiss media Son Tak Jaitung, of the 420 quarantined individuals, about 200 have disappeared within a day, and the remaining 200 have disappeared over the weekend. They could face fines of up to £8,300 (about 12,260,000 won), the Guardian said.

“Our request for self-isolation has not been respected,” said Swiss Health Minister Alain Verse. “This is clearly a problem.”

Former British diplomat posted on social media of Switzerland

Andy Wigmore posted on Instagram at the Swiss ski resort. [인스타그램]

Andy Wigmore posted on Instagram at the Swiss ski resort. [인스타그램]

In this situation, a former British diplomat compared’Swiss Escape’ to the movie’Sound of Music’ and posted it like a saga on his social media. On the 28th, the British Daily Independent reported, “The former diplomat and Brexit activist Andy Wigmore shared (the news) after his last minute escape from Switzerland to avoid containment.”

According to the report, Wigmore left the resort immediately after hearing rumors that the Swiss authorities plan to apply quarantine guidelines retroactively while vacationing with his family at a ski resort on the 22nd. On the 23rd, he posted this fact on Instagram in real time. “I’m running away from Switzerland with two children.” He arrived in London on the 23rd on the Eurostar via France.

He switched the account to private after the post became controversial. The Independent was also given an clarification that “All of our family members were negative as a result of the Corona 19 test.”

But the blame for irresponsible behavior was inevitable. Freelance journalist Marie Novakovich lamented on Twitter, saying, “The honor of the British has never fallen like this.”

As the ripples grew, a spokesman for Verbier Resort said, “Families with young children suddenly got trapped in a narrow space of 20 square meters, which is difficult to bear,” but it was a mistake not to close the ski resort early. There was a criticism that it was.

According to the AFP news agency, the Swiss Ministry of Health discovered two cases of mutant virus infections originating in the UK on the 27th in Switzerland and nearby Liechtenstein. Two mutant viruses originating in South Africa were also confirmed.

Reporter Jeong Eun-hye [email protected]
