“Isn’t it Photoshop”… ‘A cargo ship floating in the sky’ appears on the coast of England

Found all over the coast, including Devon, Cornwall
It is transmitted as a special atmospheric phenomenon,’wishing mirage’

A cargo ship floating in the sky found off the coast of Cornwall, England. / Photo =’The Sun’ homepage capture

[아시아경제 임주형 기자] A’ship in the sky’ appears on the coast of England and is drawing attention.

According to local media reports such as’The Sun’ on the 6th (local time) from the end of last month to the beginning of this month, ships that appear to be floating in the air were found on the coasts of some regions, such as Cornwall and Devon, located in southwestern England, England.

According to the media reports, at the end of last month, Cornwall resident David Morris found a freighter floating in the sky while passing a nearby coast. At first, I thought I was mistaken because the colors of the sea and the sky were similar, but when I look again, it explains that the ship was clearly floating in the sky.

In addition, ships were seen floating in the air in Banff, Aberdeenshire in northern England, while several ships were seen floating in the sky at the same time in Devon.

The British netizens who saw the photo responded with wonders, saying, “Isn’t it a Photoshop photo?”, “I don’t believe it,” “It seems like an optical illusion, but this is my first time living in this country.”

In fact, it is said that this phenomenon is highly likely to be a’widow mirage phenomenon’, which is a kind of mirage.

Meteorologist David Brain explained to’BBC’ that “the’super mirage’ is caused by a special atmospheric condition that refracts light.”

The miracle is a phenomenon that occurs when cold air gathers on the surface of the sea and pushes the hot air upward, and a sudden difference in air density appears.

The layer of air between the cold and hot air acts as a kind of lens, creating an illusion that makes distant objects appear higher than their actual position.

Because of this, in reality, a ship above sea level appears to be floating in the sky.

Although this phenomenon is common in the Arctic, it is reported that it can also occur in the UK during the winter when temperatures drop sharply.

Reporter Lim Joo-hyung [email protected]
