Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is speaking after receiving a report on the production status of the Corona 19 vaccine freezer at the headquarters of Ilshin Biobase as Samyuksa in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi Province on the 21st. Newsis
“Is Korea the country of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance?”
Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun was’angered’ by the Ministry of Information. This is because the Ministry of Information and Communication showed an “opposite” trend in the movement to institutionalize loss compensation for small business owners and self-employed businesses due to the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) quarantine measures. Kim Yong-beom, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said, “I’m sorry, I’m not saying that for that purpose,” in the face of Prime Minister Jeong. The disagreement within the government over the institutionalization of compensation for losses on Prime Minister Chung’s’Buruck’ has ended.
According to a senior government official on the 21st, Kim Yong-beom, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Equipment, who attended the Corona 19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting on the 21st, sat right next to Prime Minister Jeong. It is said that the atmosphere was cold. It was because of the remarks by Vice Minister Kim the day before. He said, “It is not easy to find a country that has legalized (damage compensation) in the case of overseas. If damage occurs at that time, the government and the National Assembly discuss and form a support package,” he said. Shined.
Prime Minister Chung seems to have seen Vice Minister Kim’s remarks as’provocative protest’. In a broadcast interview on the same day, Prime Minister Chung said, “I heard that some governments have denied the institutionalization of compensation for losses. It’s very strange,” and said, “There are always opposition and resistance forces in the reform process, but in the end, there are forces of resistance.” The word’resistance forces’ expresses the displeasure towards the base without filtering. “(About the compensation for loss), we also discussed with President Moon Jae-in, and a consensus (that we should institutionalize) has also been established.”
Prime Minister Jung’s anger toward the Ministry of Information and Transportation was the second time after the nationwide disaster support payment was paid in April. Even though the Democratic Party together with the Blue House at the time gathered opinions with support, the Ministry of Information and Transportation showed a non-cooperative attitude, and Prime Minister Chung rebuked Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Equipment, publicly.
Prime Minister Chung ordered at a major script meeting on the 21st, “We hope that related ministries, such as the Ministry of Finance, gather wisdom together with the National Assembly to improve the legal system.” Even after the four additional budgets were organized, it was not enough to compensate for operating losses, the fact that the self-employed and small business owners could not be forced to sacrifice unilaterally, and that there was no guarantee that a situation like Corona 19 would not occur in the future. . After that, Vice Minister Kim met with reporters and showed a’active attitude’ saying, “I will go into the process of discussing in the National Assembly by reviewing in detail the plan to institutionalize the compensation for losses.”

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is wiping tears during answers to small business owners who suffered damage from an emergency questionnaire to check the current status of quarantine against novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) and vaccine supply and demand held at the main assembly hall of the National Assembly on the 8th. News 1
Some people believe that Prime Minister Chung’s’smacking of the Ministry of Finance’ has a’political purpose’. Isn’t that a move to reveal his presence as the next presidential election runner? With regard to the Corona 19 disaster subsidy, Prime Minister Chung said,’selective payment is desirable’, and regarding the resumption of short selling,’not desirable without system improvement’, revealing a’clear color’. On the 8th, he took out a handkerchief and stole tears from the self-employed person who was threatened with livelihood by attending the National Assembly Corona 19 quarantine/vaccine emergency question.
Shin Eun-byul reporter [email protected]
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