“Is it inspecting our event?”

“There are no civilian inspections in the Moon Jae-in government’s DNA.”

Understanding trends and rallies of’Nuclear Power Export Behavior’
Confirmation of files deleted by employees of the Ministry of Industry
Controversy spread over whether the Moon government had a private inspection
Ministry of Industry “Report on trade trends, not inspectors”

On December 18, 2018, Kim Eui-gyeom, then the Blue House spokesman, affirmed: Investigator Kim Tae-woo, who was a member of the Special Inspectorate, denied allegations related to the controversy over civilian inspections when he revealed that he investigated the abuse of the bank president.

However, the Moon Jae-in administration’s controversy over civilian inspections is spreading again as a number of reports of trend surveys such as civic groups have been discovered in the recently restored documents related to the Wolseong nuclear power plant No. 1 by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. Related organizations are also considering legal response and are opposing it.

According to the Ministry of Industry and the Prosecutor’s Office on the 31st, the Ministry of Industry is under suspicion of writing about 10 trend reports from civic groups, which were critical of the Moon Jae-in government’s policy of post-nuclearization from December 2017 to June of the following year. As a result of restoring 530 documents discarded by the Ministry of Industry just before the audit of the Audit and Inspection Service, It was confirmed that there were documents.

In particular, in the case of the civic group’National Action for Exporting Nuclear Power’ (going to the country), which raised its voices against the post-nuclear power policy, it was revealed that the Ministry of Industry produced a related trend report before the organization was launched in March 2018. A document titled’Gwanghwamun Event Application’ prepared by this group was also released. This document is presumed to be a document related to the’National Integration Conference for Nuclear Power Exports’ organized at Gwanghwamun Square in Seoul on April 21, 2018. More than a month before the event, the group submitted a’Gwanghwamun Square Use Application’ and a’Assembly Report’ to Seoul City Hall and Seoul Jongno Police Station, respectively. Han-gyu Joo, a professor at Seoul National University’s Atomic Nuclear Engineering Department, who is the deputy head of Wonkuk-haeng, said in a call with the JoongAng Ilbo, “Isn’t it received (by the Ministry of Industry or the Seoul Metropolitan Police) in order to check in advance that our group will behave in trouble?” It is a business cooperation between the institutions, and it is strange whether this is within the scope of normal business cooperation.” In response, both the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the police denied allegations of document leakage.

The movement of the labor union of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, which has jurisdiction over domestic nuclear power plants and hydro power plants, including Wolseong nuclear power plant No. 1, was also subject to observation.

KHNP labor union “Wolseong Unit 1 Economical Evaluation Manipulation, Needs a Strict Investigation”

The Wolseong nuclear power plant deletion file list contains documents related to the assembly of civic groups that opposed the nuclear power plant policy, and documents related to the KHNP union trend. [일람표 캡처]

The Wolseong nuclear power plant deletion file list contains documents related to the assembly of civic groups that opposed the nuclear power plant policy, and documents related to the KHNP union trend. [일람표 캡처]

It was revealed that the file titled “Trends of the union related to the new president of Han Su-won” was written on March 9, 2018, one month before the appointment of the president. ▶ Trends of suing personnel before leaving KHNP union ▶ Files with titles such as KHNP union-related trends were deleted and restored. There were also documents related to personal information, such as’Resume of vice president Han Su-won (Kim OO)’. At the time, the KHNP union strongly criticized the government’s policy of leaving nuclear power plants, fearing the impact on the nuclear power industry, such as disruptions in nuclear power exports.

Organizations targeted for trend research are strongly opposed. Professor Joo Han-gyu said, “To avoid conflict with the government, we acted very carefully, such as choosing the name of the organization as’Nuclear Power Exports’. It is our insistence that we should discuss developmental alternatives, not unconditional opposition. It’s both scary and absurd that actions can be the subject of surveillance.” Noh Hee-cheol, chairman of Han Su-won, the union chairman, “I am watching the trend. First of all, we urge a strict investigation into the suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of Wolseong nuclear power plant No.

Kim Byeong-gi, co-chairman of the Nuclear People’s Solidarity, stressed that “we are grasping the specific details,” and “if the suspicion of an inspection turns out to be true, we will respond strictly and legally.” In front of the Blue House, former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, who declared a run for the by-election of the mayor of Seoul, held a press conference in front of the Blue House with groups against the nuclear power of the People’s Association. It is a regime that is trying to gag the mouth of the 1st opposition leader, but how easily a civilian would have tried to press it,” he criticized.

The Ministry of Industry admitted that it had written related documents, but drew a line that it was not a temple. Shin Hee-dong, a spokesman for the Ministry of Industry, said, “I know it was at the level of reporting the general trend, not the temple.”

Sejong = Reporter Son Hae-yong, Reporter Wi Moon-hee and Choi Eun-kyung [email protected]
