Is it an Infinity Stone… Global celebrity rapper with a 27 billion dollar diamond on the forehead

Wrapper Lil Uzzie Butt, a pink diamond pierced to the forehead
“There’s a lot of M(Money) on your face…the cost is very high”
It also explains the piercing process.

Photo = Instagram screen capture

Photo = Instagram screen capture

American rapper Lil Uzi Burt, who had aroused controversy by plagiarizing the illustration of a domestic artist, this time tried to pierce his forehead with a diamond piercing to show off his wealth.

“Diamonds reach 11 carats…Beauty is pain”

On the 3rd (hereinafter, local time), foreign media such as Yahoo News said, “American rapper Lil Uzi Burt pierced a pink diamond worth 24 million dollars (2.86 billion won) on his forehead, and has been paying for it since 2017. I announced that I was doing it,” he reported.

“I paid for the diamond, and the cost for this has been paid for the diamond since 2017, and the cost has been very high,” said Lil Uzzi Burt on his Instagram on the 30th of last month. “It was the first time I saw a real natural pink diamond. “It was.”

Photo = Instagram screen capture

Photo = Instagram screen capture

“I have a lot of M (Money) on my face,” he added. “These diamonds range from 10 to 11 carats. They are more expensive than all my cars and homes.”

He shared the phrase’beauty is pain’ and showing off the latest accessories he purchased, such as rings.

In particular, Lil Uzi Burt explained in detail the process of piercing a large diamond in the forehead. “I just drilled a hole and swelled, so I got a long stick. If the swelling subsides, I’ll make a short stick so it doesn’t move.”

Photo = Instagram screen capture

Photo = Instagram screen capture

In the video, Lil Uzzi Bert was also shown moving a diamond with her fingers to show how flimsy the piercing was.

Netizens talked about the characters of the Hollywood movie Avengers series and showed a mocking reaction such as “It’s a reality version of Infinity Stone” and “It seems like a mind stone is stuck in the forehead”.

Kim Soo-hyun, reporter of [email protected]

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