Is it an example or a preference… Controversy over Japanese Prime Minister Suga’s priority vaccination

“The prime minister is the one who is responsible for the lives of the people. I would like to be inoculated first with the (vaccine).” (Representative Fukuda Tatsuo Fukuda)

“When my turn comes, I want to take the initiative. The order of vaccination is determined through discussions of experts.” (Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide)

On the 22nd, inquiries about the timing of the Prime Minister’s vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) came and went at the Budget Committee of the Japanese House of Representatives. When asked if the Prime Minister would take the initiative to get the vaccine, Suga said, “If the turn comes, I will be right.”

Suga adheres to the position of “It will be right if it comes in turn”
Criticism Concerns About Priority Vaccination “Performance”
For the congressmen who have difficulty visiting the district
National Assembly infirmary group vaccination is also being planned

In Japan, where the Pfizer vaccination has started for medical staff since the 17th, there is a debate over the issue of’preferential vaccine vaccination’ by the prime minister and politicians. While there are voices that the Prime Minister and National Assembly members should take the lead in emphasizing the safety of the vaccine, there are concerns that politicians’ priority vaccination may be viewed as a’preferential’.

On the 17th, medical staff at Tokyo Medical Center in Japan are preparing for Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. [로이터=연힙뉴스]

On the 17th, medical staff at Tokyo Medical Center in Japan are preparing for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. [로이터=연힙뉴스]

Prime Minister Suga was born in 1948 and belongs to a group of senior citizens aged 65 years or older and will receive vaccinations from April as planned. In politics, there are arguments that Prime Minister Suga should take the lead, regardless of schedule, as the leaders of each country, including President Joe Biden, have stepped forward in the sense of encouraging vaccination. The Liberal Democratic Party’s secretary general Toshihiro Nikai also said, “Politicians should take this situation,” and advised the prime minister for vaccination.

However, it is pointed out on the 24th that the prime minister’s first vaccination “will appear as a performance” in a situation where there is confusion due to a lack of vaccine supply, the Mainichi newspaper reported on the 24th. Officials say, “The timing of the prime minister’s vaccination will be decided based on the trend of public opinion.” It is said that if it is judged that the public’s anxiety or rejection of the vaccine is high at the time the vaccination of the public other than the medical staff begins, it may be right first.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is holding a press conference on Corona 19 on the 2nd. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is holding a press conference on Corona 19 on the 2nd. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Not only the prime minister, but also ministers and lawmakers attending the daily National Assembly are also of interest. In the case of a corona 19 group infection in the National Assembly, state administration is expected to be paralyzed, so there are opinions that the ministers and members of the National Assembly should be given a vaccine first. However, it is highly likely to bring back the debate about the Japanese version of the ‘sujeo theory’ of the ‘high-ranking people’.

In January, when the Liberal Democratic Party conducted a Corona 19 gene amplification (PCR) test on all of its officers, criticism rose fiercely, saying, “There are citizens who do not receive the test even if they want the test.

On the 22nd, citizens wearing masks are walking through the streets of Tokyo, Japan. [AP=연합뉴스]

On the 22nd, citizens wearing masks are walking through the streets of Tokyo, Japan. [AP=연합뉴스]

Most of the parliamentarians have their addresses in regional districts, so in order to receive vaccinations according to their order, they must visit the area during the period. However, in recent years, local residents are not welcome to parliamentarians coming from Tokyo, where Corona 19 has spread widely. There are also concerns that it will not be easy to meet the vaccination schedule due to frequent visits on weekends.

Accordingly, a plan is emerging in which lawmakers corresponding to the target age in the medical office in the National Assembly receive a vaccine as a group. In order to reduce the burden on the medical staff, the mainichi newspaper reported that there is also discussion on how to inject injections into other lawmakers by lawmakers with licenses.

Tokyo = Correspondent Lee Young-hee [email protected]
