`Is going to step 3 in the end`… Government announces whether it will be upgraded tomorrow

[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

‘Shall we eventually go to the third stage of social distancing?’

While the momentum of the’third pandemic’ of a new coronavirus infection in Korea (Corona 19) is not declining, the number of new confirmed cases on the 26th was around 1130.

Since the outbreak of Corona 19 in Korea, it has continued four digits for two consecutive days than the previous day (1241 people), which recorded the most confirmed cases a day. It is also the second most record ever.

In particular, it is analyzed that the number of confirmed cases increased to 1,000, and the trend of proliferation has risen in a situation where the number of inspections on the eve of Christmas has significantly decreased compared to the previous weekday.

The government will hold a meeting of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters at 3 pm tomorrow to decide whether or not to raise the 3rd stage of’Social Distance’ in the metropolitan area.

In order to prevent a surge in confirmed cases, the government recently announced intensive measures such as banning meetings with more than 5 people in restaurants, stopping operation of winter sports facilities such as ski resorts, and closing sunrise spots. This “special quarantine measures for the year-end and New Year” will continue from the 24th to the new year’s January 3rd, but it is unknown whether the spreading trend will stop.

The government will analyze the trend and characteristics of confirmed cases during this Christmas holiday and decide whether to raise social distancing on the 27th from the 2.5th stage to the 3rd stage.

If it is upgraded to the third stage, it is a very weak prescription that blocks most commercial transactions in real life.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of new corona19 confirmed cases increased by 1132, accumulating 55902. It was 109 fewer than the previous day (1241).

As the ‘3rd pandemic of Corona 19’ in Korea began in earnest from the middle of last month, the number of new confirmed cases recently rose to 1,000 people a day and then soared to 1,200 the day before, and then fell slightly.

From the 20th to this day, the number of new confirmed cases for the past week was 1097 → 926 → 867 → 1090 → 985 → 1241 → 1132, etc.

Looking at the infection route of the new confirmed patients on this day, 1,104 local outbreaks and 28 foreign inflows were found. In the area where the confirmed cases were found, 762 people in the metropolitan area, including 457 in Seoul, 250 in Gyeonggi, and 55 in Incheon.

In particular, a total of 514 people were infected with 297 additional confirmed cases in the eastern detention center in Seoul.

In the Gyeonggi area, a total of 163 people were infected at Hyoplus Nursing Hospital in Bucheon City, and 24 people were tested positive in Nursing Homes in Paju City. The number of confirmed overseas inflows was 28, 3 more than the previous day (25).

The number of deaths increased by 20 per day to 793 people. The average fatality rate in Korea is 1.42%.

The number of tests per day the previous day was 358, which was 27,089 fewer than 57,147 the day before.

[김승한 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
