Iron’s ex-girlfriend, Nicole Kidman’s photo on SNS

[매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

While rapper Iron (real name Jeong Heon-cheol, 29) died, a photo posted by ex-girlfriend A on social media is drawing attention.

According to the police, Iron was found by a security guard while bleeding at a flowerbed in an apartment in Jung-gu, Seoul at 10:25 am on the 25th.

The police are investigating the exact details of the death of neighbors. The police said, “So far, we haven’t found any charges for killing.”

According to the police, it plans to decide whether to do an autopsy in consultation with the bereaved family. It is known that no will was found.

On the day of Iron’s death, ex-girlfriend A posted a picture of Nicole Kidman, who is delighted with no comment, on Instagram. This photo was taken by Paparazzi in 2001 and shows Nicole Kidman coming out after completing the divorce process with actor Tom Cruise.

This picture is used in domestic online communities to mean’liberation’,’freedom’, and’divorce stimulating meme’. Accordingly, some speculate that Mr. A indirectly revealed his feelings about the death of Iron.

Iron was indicted on charges of hitting the face with a fist (injury, etc.) in an angry manner for refusing to comply with his request while in a relationship in 2017. Received the sentence of

In addition, Iron was charged with smoking cannabis (violation of the Narcotics Control Act), and received eight months in prison and two years probation. In December of last year, he was investigated by the police for assaulting a minor with a baseball bat. The case went over to the prosecution with the opinion of the prosecution, but it is expected to end with no right to prosecute upon Iron’s death.

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Photo provided by Polaris Entertainment, Iron’s ex-girlfriend SNS capture

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