Iran’s origin… The Korean delegation went to the arrest problem, and “discussed the freezing fund”

Said Hativjade, spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Said Hativjade, spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry. [EPA=연합뉴스]

A delegation of the Korean government arrived in Iran to discuss the issue of the capture of the Korean ship’Korean Kemi,’ but the Iranian government made another noise, saying, “The purpose of the discussion is to discuss freezing funds.”
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Hativjade said in a reporter briefing on the 7th (local time), “The Korean delegation who entered Korea is a member of the visiting delegation of the Vice Minister Choi Jong-gun (1st Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Foreign Affairs) who decided to come on the 10th.” The main agenda was the issue of accessing Iranian funds frozen in South Korea,” Iran’s state-run IRNA reported.

Prior to Vice Minister Choi’s visit to Iran on the 10th, the government dispatched a government delegation to Iran, headed by Go Gyeong-seok, head of the African Middle East Bureau, for the preliminary discussion on the seizure issue. However, as soon as they arrived, Iran drew a line that the goal was not to capture the issue, but to discuss the price of $7 billion for imports of Iranian crude oil frozen at a commercial bank in Korea.

Iran has repeatedly argued that, even after the capture of the Korean Kemiho, the agenda for Choi’s visit was limited to the issue of frozen funds that was initially agreed upon. On the 7th, an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “Because the detention of ships is the most recent urgent issue, we will not cover any table. “We will raise and communicate with each major occasion as an important concern,” he refuted that he would discuss the issue of ship detention as the main agenda at Choi’s visit.

In fact, despite such an urgent situation, Iran’s assertion that only the previously agreed agenda will be dealt with at the vice ministers’ meeting is close to being forced. In reality, Vice Minister Choi raises the issue at the talks, but it cannot be rejected. Nevertheless, sticking to this attitude can be interpreted as a tactic of trying to gain the most advantage in the negotiation process.
Reporter Yoo Ji-hye [email protected]
