Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs “refuses to lift US’phased’ sanctions…all should be lifted”

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Hamenei. © AFP=News1 © News1 Reporter Dongmyeong Woo

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its position that it “rejects phased lifting” in lifting economic sanctions imposed by the United States.

The nervous war between the two countries is intensifying while indirect talks are scheduled to discuss the return of the nuclear agreement in Vienna, Austria on the 6th (hereafter local time).

Reuters quoted Iran’s local media PressTV on the 3rd and reported that Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Hativjade said, “The final policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to lift all US sanctions.”

Earlier, senior deputy spokeswoman Jalina Porter of the US State Department said on the upcoming talks in Vienna, saying that “the focus of the talks will be on the nuclear measures Iran must take to comply with the agreement.”

The nuclear agreement surrounding Iran (JCPOA, Comprehensive Joint Action Plan) was signed in July 2015 by five permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, China, Russia, Britain, France) and six countries (P5+1), including Germany. .

The gist of the agreement is that instead of restricting nuclear development, Iran will lift international economic sanctions against Iran as a reward.

However, this was catastrophic in May 2018 when former US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the agreement and resumed massive economic sanctions against Iran.

Former President Trump said he would withdraw from the existing agreement to reach a new agreement to halt the development of a permanent nuclear and missile program.

After the transition to President Joe Biden’s power, Iran demanded that the U.S. unilaterally withdraw from the agreement, so that an unconditional return should be made.

However, the U.S. stated that the sanctions can be lifted only if Iran is continuing its uranium enrichment activities and compliance with the existing agreement obligations.

The nuclear agreement, held on the 6th, is scheduled to proceed in the form of a shuttle diplomacy between the United States and Iran by the European Union.

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