Iran “No Korean delegation needed”… Re-emphasizing’Technical Problems’


The Iranian government, which is holding our tanker, has expressed regret for our government’s response. The government delegation, which decided to depart early tomorrow (the 7th), drew a line that there was no need to come. This can lead to longer consultations.

This is reporter Jeong Jeong-yoon.


Comments from a spokesman from the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

“The Korean government’s actions are incomprehensible and unacceptable,” he argues, “the oil tanker problem is completely technical.”

In addition, the scheduled visit of the first vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Choi Jong-Geon, was also unrelated to this issue.

There was also a remark to the effect that a separate delegation made up of our diplomatic authority practitioners did not have to come.

The working-level delegation departs tomorrow early, and as Iran comes out publicly, the position of our government is embarrassing.

Even if the delegation goes, we are not sure if we will be able to consult with the Iranian government immediately.

However, after the oil tanker was captured, the Iranian government also mentioned the issue of frozen funds in South Korea.

[알리 라비에이/이란 정부 대변인 (현지시간 5일) : 볼모잡이를 하는 건 한국입니다. 정당한 근거도 없이 이란 돈 70억달러(약 7조6000억원)를 볼모로 잡고 있습니다.]

It’s throwing a confusing message.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was preparing a legal response, saying it was considering whether it violated international law.

[송영길/국회 외교통일위원장 : 우리 정부가 미국 측과 협의를 해서 1000만달러 이상 그 대금으로 의료품을 사가지고 이란에 제공하고 있는 중입니다. 이란 입장에서는 너무나 아직 만족하지 못하고 상당히 불만을…]

Some analysts say Iran’s capture of US allies’ oil tankers ahead of the inauguration of the Biden administration would indirectly pressure the US to lift sanctions.

In this case, it may take longer to resolve.

In the midst of this, the ship company arrested today said it had confirmed the safety of the crew through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(Video Design: Hongbitnuri)
