IOC “Mori remarks are completely inappropriate”… Olympic Sponsor “Can’t Tolerate”

Controversy is spreading over the remarks of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee Chairman Yoshiro Mori’s “female contempt”.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) made a statement criticizing that it was “completely inappropriate” by changing its position that it was over because Mori apologized, and Olympic sponsors are complaining.

According to Japanese media such as the Yomiuri Shimbun on the 10th, the IOC issued a statement to the effect of “completely inappropriate and contrary to the IOC pledges and Olympic reforms” in relation to Chairman Mori’s remarks the day before.

Earlier, Chairman Mori mentioned the issue of increasing the number of female directors at the Temporary Council of the Japan Olympic Committee (JOC) held on the 3rd and said, “The board of directors with many women takes time.”

In this regard, the IOC said in a statement on the 4th, “I think this issue is over since Chairman Mori apologized (for his remarks).”

However, as criticism did not subside and criticism continued from athletes and Olympic sponsors, it appears that the statement strongly criticized President Mori’s remarks.

When NHK asked 70 Olympic sponsors for their position on President Mori’s remarks, 36 of the 54 companies that responded to the interview replied, excluding non-response (18), that “remarks are unacceptable.”

All of the sponsors who responded have expressed their position that Chairman Mori’s remarks are unacceptable.

NHK said, “It is against the vision of the Tokyo Olympics,’diversity and harmony’,” and “It is inappropriate against the spirit of the Olympic and Paralympic Games that advocate gender equality,” NHK said.

All 42 companies who responded to the question,’Are you going to reconsider or discontinue sponsorship contracts at this time?’ said that all 42 companies that responded were “not scheduled”.

There is strong public opinion demanding the resignation of Chairman Mori in Japan, such as a large number of Tokyo Olympic volunteers resigning, but the mainichi newspaper reported that the government and the ruling party were deceived that it would be desirable to keep Mr.

The Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee decided to hold a joint extraordinary meeting on the 12th, in which directors and councilors participate, to discuss ways to respond to President Mori’s remarks.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
