Investigation into the journal “Expressing Concern” in the’Comfort Women’ Paper

A poster produced and distributed in English and Korean by VANK, a cyber diplomatic mission. VANK offer

An international academic journal, which decided to publish the paper by Professor Mark Ramsayer of Harvard University Rosukol, who alleges that the victims of Japanese military comfort women were prostitutes, expressed concern and launched its own investigation.

The International Review of Law and Economics, which had decided to publish Professor Ramsey’s thesis in the March issue, announced on the 11th (local time) homepage, saying, “(Professor Ramsey’s)’sex contract during the Pacific War’ “We issue a’expression of concern’ to inform readers that concerns have been raised about the historical evidence contained in the paper.” He added that “an investigation is currently underway regarding these claims,” ​​and “we will provide additional information when possible.”

‘Expressing Concern’ is a measure to inform readers that the paper may be of low credibility. It also means that the thesis evaluation is reserved. After investigation of research fraud or evidence errors is completed, follow-up measures such as cancellation or correction of thesis may be followed.

Prof. Ramsay’s thesis, which was first released online, caused a stir by claiming that the Japanese military comfort woman was not a sex slave, but a prostitute through a’prostitution contract’. Korean students at Harvard University made a condemning statement and demanded Professor Ramsey’s apology. Historians have also made public criticism. Eckerty, a professor of Korean history at Harvard University, accused him of “experientially, historically and morally miserably flawed,” and said that he and Andrew Gordon, professor of history, were preparing a thesis to refute Ramsay’s arguments. Alexis Durdon, a professor of history at the University of Connecticut, also criticized it as “the source is unclear and academically stupid.”

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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