Introduction of’Business Vaccine’… Businessmen departing from the’old semiconductor purchase’ also get hit

Those who leave the country for public affairs and important economic activities

Apply for’Vaccination Reservation’ from the 17th

A plan is being promoted to inoculate businessmen leaving Korea to import semiconductors for vehicles with a vaccine for coronavirus infection (Corona 19) first, and to exempt immigration from self-quarantine. From the 17th, the quarantine authorities will receive applications for vaccination from businessmen who visit overseas for a short period of time for important economic activities.

On the 10th, the government held the ‘6th Innovative Growth Big 3 Promotion Meeting’ at the government building in Seoul and made this announcement. It is planning to provide support to facilitate overseas business trips to secure automotive semiconductors, which are suffering from severe shortages. In addition, when importing automotive semiconductor parts, it will be able to quickly complete customs clearance.

The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters also announced on the day that they will first receive the Corona 19 vaccine for departing people for important economic activities and public interest purposes, business trips for public service, overseas dispatch, dispatch of diplomatic missions, etc., which are directly related to the national interest.

The quarantine authorities cited △social ripple effects △effects on national interests △emergency, etc. as the criterion for important economic activities. In the case of businessmen leaving the country to procure semiconductors for vehicles, they are classified as required departures due to the performance of important economic activities according to these criteria. For this reason, those who want to receive vaccination preferentially can apply to the competent department and the Immigration Comprehensive Support Center for businessmen. After the competent department reviews it according to the relevant standards, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approves the vaccination. If the vaccination is approved, you will receive the vaccination through the competent public health center and vaccination agency. The disease agency decides what type of vaccine will be given. Those who have completed vaccination can receive a vaccination certificate in both Korean and English through the vaccination assistant website or through’Government 24′, an integrated administrative service portal. The quarantine authorities estimate that it will take about two months from application to completion of the vaccination, as both AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines require a second vaccination.

The government is also considering a plan to increase the amount of secondary vaccinations in order to speed up the vaccination of AstraZeneca. Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok said, “When the amount of secondary vaccination is confirmed within the government, we will ensure that many citizens will be vaccinated promptly, taking into account the overall vaccine supply and inventory situation.” It is calculated that the amount missing from the second vaccination can be covered by an additional AstraZeneca vaccine. Hong Jung-ik, head of the vaccination planning team of the Corona 19 Vaccination Response Promotion Team, explained, “As long as the second vaccination is not affected, the review is possible.” Meanwhile, on the same day, the vaccination committee discussed whether to get the AstraZeneca vaccine to the elderly over the age of 65. The results will be announced on the morning of the 11th.

/ Reporter Woo Young-tak [email protected]

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