Introduction of the’All National Employment Insurance System’

The government, special high school workers, platform workers, and self-employed people in turn join

Seven months after President Moon Jae-in announced the introduction of the’Former National Employment Insurance System’ in May, the government came up with a roadmap to increase employment insurance subscribers by more than 7 million by 2025.

The main content is a plan to establish an employment safety net of 21 million people by joining artists in this month, special employment (special high school) workers, platform workers, and self-employed in turn.

On the 23rd, the government held a meeting of the emergency economy central countermeasure headquarters and New Deal-related ministers at the government office in Seoul, and confirmed the’All National Employment Insurance Roadmap’.

Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jae-gap said in a briefing, “Today, many employed earn income from two or more jobs, and frequent job shifts are occurring, such as moving between workers, self-employed, and specially employed workers.” I said.

On the 23rd, the government confirmed the'Former National Employment Insurance Roadmap'.  Photo is a promotional material for the artist's employment insurance. (Photo = Ministry of Employment)
On the 23rd, the government confirmed the’Former National Employment Insurance Roadmap’. Photo is a promotional material for the artist’s employment insurance. (Photo = Ministry of Employment)

The core of the roadmap is to reform the employment insurance system, which was centered on wage workers since the introduction of the system in 1995, based on income.

Through this, the government’s plan is to sign up for employment insurance from special high school workers in July of next year, digital platform workers in 2022, and self-employed people in 2025.

To this end, the government decided to establish a system for sharing real-time income information between the National Tax Service and the Labor Welfare Corporation by July 2022.

Some are criticizing the lack of detailed action plans, such as financial security measures, tied to the promise of’announcement within the year’ without sufficient discussions between relevant ministries.

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