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On the night of the 3rd, citizens hold a candlelight protest against the coup in Yangon, Myanmar. Yangon/AFP Yonhap News

It is reported that the Myanmar military police have recently detained Myanmar citizens who responded to the coverage of the US (CNN) broadcast. It seems to be the intention to keep the public’s mouth shut. Myanmar’s military has been paying attention to the management of public opinion at home and abroad, refuting the criticism of the United Nations envoy to Myanmar as “partially”. On the 3rd (local time), a local online media outlet responded to an interview in Yangon, the capital of Myanmar on the 2nd, or reported that six Myanmar citizens who were nearby are currently in detention. On the 2nd, chief international correspondent Clarisa Ward and reporters visited the Mayor of Mingaladon and Ten Mile in northern Yangon to interview locals. Shortly after the interview was over and the reporters left, armed police in plain clothes came and took seven Myanmar citizens. Three people who responded to the interview, two who took pictures of the reporters, and two who were with them. One in seven people who were taken are known to have been released now. They are reportedly detained at a military interrogation station northeast of Shepita, Yangon. “We went to the interrogation office, but we couldn’t see the family,” said a family member of the detained person. Ward and reporters, chief correspondent, entered Myanmar on the 31st of last month under the arrangement of a lobbyist employed by the Myanmar military, and were escorted by the military and police to report on the site. Citizens of Myanmar followed the path of the report team and tapped the pot, shouting “We’re not okay,” and on social media, the hashtag “Don’t be fooled by Cien”. He asked the reporting team not to be used by the military. The Myanmar military’s efforts to pressurize and manipulate public opinion continue. Recently, Myanmar authorities issued arrest warrants for 18 celebrities and two journalists who were influential on social media. He could face up to three years in prison for spreading false news against the military. Meanwhile, the military police in Myanmar fired on protesters against the coup on the 3rd, killing four citizens. According to the statistics of the Myanmar Civil Organization Political Offender Support Association (AAPP), the cumulative number of deaths since the coup in February reached 557. Myanmar’s military ministry denied on the 2nd that it was a “one-sided allegation” with no evidence on the UN envoy’s claim that it killed 40 children. By Choi Hyun-jun, staff reporter

On the 2nd, a citizen (left) in Yangon, Myanmar <시엔엔>(CNN) is interviewing chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward (right). The citizen was reportedly detained after an interview. <미얀마 나우> Capture

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